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Seniors' Secretariat

The role of the Prince Edward Island Seniors' Secretariat is to develop and support plans, policy and programs that will improve the quality of life of Island seniors. The Seniors' Secretariat is also mandated to develop and support public education efforts for seniors and about seniors’ issues.

The Seniors' Secretariat is an entry point to provincial government for seniors, community groups, other governments and business. Staff can provide information and direction on government programs and services for seniors.

Who is the Seniors Secretariat Steering Committee?
The Seniors Secretariat includes 10 members in addition to the Minister. They are representatives of provincial government and three seniors organizations including the PEI Senior Citizens' Federation, Seniors United Network, and Les Francophone de l'age d'or de L'lle-du-Prince-Edouard. Each of the three organizations chooses three names to submit to the Minister Responsible for Seniors who in turn appoints two members. The Steering Committee is co-chaired by the Minister Responsible for Seniors and a community member. Current membership includes:

Co-Chair: Minister Responsible for Seniors (or the Deputy Minister)
Co-Chair: Anna Duffy

Other members:

    John Kenny
    Ian MacDonald
    Antoine Richard
    Winnie Fraser-MacKay
    Betty Robertson
    PEI Population Secretariat
    Deputy Minister of Health
    Deputy Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs, Tracey Cutcliffe
    Deputy Minister of Social Services and Seniors, Sharon Cameron

Seniors Secretariat Priorities 2006-2008

Policy and Program Development

  • Research the type of housing that PEI seniors will need into the future.
  • Revitalize seniors housing units to better meet the future needs of seniors and communities.
  • Improve supports for seniors to continue to live in their own homes (home care and other housing options).
  • Work with the federal/ provincial/territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors on national policies and programs that promote healthy aging and the active role of seniors’ as contributors to society.
  • Support healthy living.
  • Support the PEI Seniors Oral Health Strategy.
  • Examine medication use among seniors and the sustainability of the Seniors Drug Program.

Information and Education

  • Update the website.
  • Explore the possibility of a seniors information telephone line.
  • Host meetings in PEI communities with community leaders to increase the visibility and understanding of the role of Seniors’ Secretariat.
  • Host public seminars on the impacts and opportunities of an aging population.

Ongoing Activities

Information and Education

  • Provide a regular article to the “Voice for Island Seniors” newspaper.
  • Publish “Seniors’ News” and send free of charge to interested seniors and community members.
  • Sponsor the Celebration 50+ expo.
  • Coordinate the work of the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Committee (PEI) and its efforts increase public awareness about abuse of older persons with an increased focus on financial abuse.
  • Provide guest speakers, presentations and information for events and meetings across PEI about the impact of an aging population.

Policy and Program Development

  • Work with community groups, governments and academia on research related to aging.
  • Support the Planning for Prince Edward Island’s Aging Population research project of the Seniors United Network with the Centre for the Study of Health and Aging at the University of Prince Edward Island.

Outcomes for PEI Seniors

The Seniors Secretariat has provided valuable input to the provincial government that has resulted in significant improvements in programs for seniors, as follows:

  • a dedicated minister responsible for seniors;
  • a full-time Director created;
  • reintroduced the Seniors Emergency Home Repair Program;
  • seniors now qualify for the Real Property Tax Deferral Program at 65 years of age;
  • seniors are no longer required to pay the medical costs of nursing home care;
  • family and personal assets are now protected when a senior enters a nursing home;
  • rent charged for seniors’ housing has dropped to 25 per cent of income from 30 per cent;
  • developed a PEI Seniors Handbook that will provide information about programs and services for seniors.

Seniors Secretariat

Acting Director: Faye Martin
11 Kent Street, 2nd Floor Jones Building
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
PH: (902) 569-0588 Fax: (902) 368-4740   toll free: 1-866-770-0588

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