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April 27, 2007

Liquor Store Customers Donate Record $478,307 to Dry Grad
Vancouver - Government liquor store customers have raised a record total of $478,307 to support high schools that are planning alcohol-free graduation events for the class of 2007.

Since the Liquor Distribution Branch's (LDB's) first annual Support Dry Grad campaign in 2001, $1.67 million has been raised by BC Liquor Store customers and staff for alcohol-free events in communities across British Columbia.

From Feb. 26 to March 31, customers across the province were encouraged to donate one dollar to support dry grad celebrations in their communities. All donations are given to the local school district in which the store is located, to be distributed to public high schools planning alcohol-free graduations.

The Vancouver school district led the province with a total of $43,143 in donations from its 21 area stores. In addition, three other school districts received more than $20,000: Surrey ($38,390), Coquitlam ($25,382), and Greater Victoria ($24,760), and a total of 17 districts raised more than $10,000. The Penticton Plaza Signature BC Liquor Store raised the highest amount this year, with a total of $10,588, followed by Port Coquitlam’s Westwood Centre Signature Store with $10,481, and the Meadowtown Signature Store in Pitt Meadows, which raised $8,877.

This year, 54 school districts participated in the campaign. The contributions by liquor store customers supplement funds raised by parents, students and teachers who volunteer year-round to raise funds for dry grads. Dry grad events have included boat cruises, dances, ski trips, mock casino nights, karaoke contests, games and overnight field trips. Last year, government liquor store customers donated a total of $403,351.

BC Liquor Stores' Support Dry Grad campaign is part of the LDB's public safety and social responsibility program to promote the responsible use of beverage alcohol – a program that includes the prevention of underage drinking and promotion of zero consumption for minors. Liquor store employees across the province are required to check the ID of young clients, and seasonal awareness displays in the stores remind customers that it is illegal and a serious offence to buy alcohol for minors.

Please see the attached backgrounder for more information on Dry Grad donations.

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PDF IconSchool District 2007 Fundraising Results Backgrounder

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Celebrate Life...Enjoy Responsibly

Michèle Green
Manager of Communications
B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch
Telephone: 604 252-3029

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