Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Birds of the Island


White-winged Crossbill


These photographs are provided to help you identify members of the White-winged Crossbill species and are provided here courtesy of the individual photographers, who retain copyright. You may not reproduce these photos without permission. Click on any photo for a the full-sized version.

81075 bytes
72 dpi - JPEG image
640 x 480
(C) Parks Canada

More about the White-winged Crossbill on the Internet

The following websites can help you learn more about the White-winged Crossbill species. These websites are maintained by other organizations, and when you click on the links below, you'll be visiting their websites, not ours.

Seasonal Frequency

You can use the following as a guide to when you can most easily expect to spot members of the White-winged Crossbill species on Prince Edward Island. This information comes from The Natural History Society of Prince Edward Island which retains and publishes records of bird sightings.

March 16 to May 31
(northerly migration)

Irregular (unpredictable)
June 1 to August 15
(nesting season)

Irregular (unpredictable)
August 16 to December 14
(southerly migration)

Irregular (unpredictable)
December 15 to March 15
Irregular (unpredictable)

Nesting on PEI

The White-winged Crossbill is known or believed to nest on PEI.

The Official Website of the Government of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
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