Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-027
February 3, 2006

Have Fun On Your Run - But Don't Drink ‘Til You're Done

WHITEHORSE - Have fun while you're snowmobiling, but stay away from alcohol until you're done riding. That is the message that the Yukon Liquor Corp. and other Canadian liquor jurisdictions are hoping to get across to snowmobilers with the launch of phase two of the "ByWays" publicity campaign.

This is the second in a series of three seasonal campaigns, which features the importance of not mixing alcohol with motorized sports. The release is timely – according to Canadian Institute for Health Information statistics – more snowmobile-related injuries occur in February than in any other month.

More than 40 per cent of injuries treated in specialized trauma units across the country are related to snowmobile activity. Of those, the latest data shows that alcohol was a factor in about half of the cases, double the number from five years earlier.

"The same responsible attitude toward drinking and driving also applies to recreational vehicles," Jim Kenyon, minister responsible for the Yukon Liquor Corp. said. "The Yukon is known for great snowmobiling, and we want to remind people to operate their machines responsibly. If people plan to consume alcohol, we encourage them to wait until after they’re done riding for the day."

Public education and voluntary compliance are key to reducing this risk. Snowmobilers must keep in mind that they are operating a motor vehicle, and that the same laws against drinking and driving apply.

The Klondike Snowmobile Association (KSA) agrees.

"We join the Canadian Association of Liquor Jurisdictions and the Yukon Liquor Corp. in reminding snowmobilers that drinking alcohol can impair your judgment and your ability to operate your machine safely," KSA president Mark Daniels said. "We want to encourage people to get out there and enjoy our trails and mountains, but to be smart about how they ride."

The poster will be displayed in Yukon liquor stores and a variety of businesses regularly visited by snowmobile enthusiasts. A downloadable version is also available from the Yukon Liquor Corp. web site at


 Peter Carr  Nathalie Harwood
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications, Yukon Liquor Corp.
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-5075