Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-139
June 15, 2006

Liquor Inspectors Conducting ID Blitz

WHITEHORSE - Between June 16 and July 2, liquor inspectors, including the RCMP, will be checking for proper identification (ID) to make sure that minors are not purchasing liquor and that there are no minors in cocktail lounges.

"Underage drinking continues to be a very real concern, not just here in the Yukon, but all across Canada," Jim Kenyon, minister responsible for the Yukon Liquor Corporation, said.  "This action item from the Yukon Substance Abuse Action Plan will raise the profile of the underage drinking issue and help to reduce the likelihood of underage drinking."

Under the Yukon Liquor Act, no one under the age of 19 is allowed to be in a bar, nor are they permitted to buy liquor.

Young adults of legal drinking age should carry proper identification with them to ensure that they can provide proof of age when asked. Anyone who refuses or cannot provide proper ID while in licensed premises may be fined $100 under the Yukon Summary Convictions Act.

The Yukon Liquor Corporation has produced an information pamphlet, "Be Prepared to Show ID". It explains what people need to know about proper identification and is available at liquor stores, from Yukon Liquor Corporation Liquor Inspectors and on-line at

This initiative, similar to a roadside check stop program, does not replace other inspection and enforcement activities.


 Peter Carr    Nathalie Harwood
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Yukon Liquor Corporation, Communications
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-5075