Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-249
December 20, 2006

Results Of Whitehorse Liquor Store Survey Available

WHITEHORSE - The results of the Whitehorse Liquor Store customer service survey, conducted in August, have been compiled and are now available.

"We received very valuable input from the 488 patrons who participated in the survey," Jim Kenyon, minister responsible for Yukon Liquor Corporation said. "We heard that customers were pleased overall with the service and the products available, however there were some suggestions on how improvements could be made."

The survey notes that some customers would like staff to be more available to answer questions about the products; that a greater variety of products be available in all categories; and that prices were a concern. 

Respondents also indicated that the store exterior needs some work, particularly in the area of improving traffic flow and personal security outside the store. People are concerned with loitering in the parking lot, and consider this a safety and security issue related to shopping at the store.  Customers also noted that the interior of the store would benefit from a renovation, to look more like a store than a warehouse. 

"We learned a great deal through this survey and we will start to apply what we have learned beginning with renovations to the interior of the store," Kenyon said. "On behalf of the Yukon Liquor Corporation, I would like to thank all the people who took the time to participate in the survey so that we could identify ways to provide quality customer service."

The results of the survey are available at the Whitehorse Liquor Store and at Yukon Liquor Corporation's headquarters at 9031 Quartz Road, as well as online at



Roxanne Vallevand                                                       Doug Caldwell
Cabinet Communications                                               Communications, Yukon Liquor Corp.
(867) 667-8644                                                           (867) 667-8065