Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-037
March 20, 2007

A Sweet Way To Support Substance-Free Grad And MADD

WHITEHORSE - To support alcohol-free and healthy lifestyle graduation activities, this year the Yukon Liquor Corporation is conducting an in-store campaign to help raise funds for Dry Grads - alcohol-free celebrations for graduating high school students, and for the local chapter of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).

Patterned after a successful program that runs annually in British Columbia liquor stores, Yukon store customers are invited to donate $1 to support substance-free grad celebrations for high school students in their community. In return, they will receive a delicious, individually wrapped Botticelli dark or milk chocolate.

All donations will be forwarded directly to graduation celebration organizing committees, supplementing the $5 per student funding provided annually by Yukon Liquor Corporation.  Graduating classes, in Yukon communities without a liquor store, will receive funds equivalent to those raised in a similar-sized community.

Additionally, Yukon Liquor Corporation will match, dollar for dollar, all donations received during this campaign with the proceeds going to the local Yukon chapter of MADD.

"The Yukon Liquor Corporation annually provides funding for high school graduating classes throughout Yukon to promote and support alcohol-free activities," Jim Kenyon, minister responsible for Yukon Liquor Corporation, said. "This year we are offering our customers an opportunity to contribute to the Dry Grad program and to also support the important on-going work of MADD."

"This is a wonderful fund-raising opportunity which helps us to continue with our work to get impaired drivers off the road," MADD President Alvin Pederson said.  "We are very grateful for the financial contributions and on-going support we receive from the Yukon Liquor Corporation."

Remember, each time you visit a Yukon Liquor Store from March 16 to April 14, donate a loonie or two, enjoy a chocolate and help to support MADD and the Class of 2007 grads!


Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
(867) 633-7949   
Doug Caldwell
Yukon Liquor Corporation, Communications
(867) 667-8065