Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-113
June 4, 2007

The More You Drink, The Less You Think

WHITEHORSE - The Yukon Liquor Corporation is using humour to remind people to drink in moderation with its newly-released "Moosecapades" campaign.

Adapted from a successful public awareness campaign in Quebec, the first in a series of two seasonal posters depicts an outdoor-themed character in situations where drinking liquor to excess may have undesired consequences.

"If you drink too much you could end up doing something that makes you look and feel very foolish," Jim Kenyon, minister responsible for the Yukon Liquor Corporation, said.

While the new campaign speaks primarily to outdoor enthusiasts, the Yukon Liquor Corporation hopes everyone gets the point about choosing the culture of moderation as opposed to the culture of excess.

"If you choose to drink, don't drink too much," Kenyon added. "Remember to choose quality over quantity – moderation is always in good taste."


Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
Nathalie Harwood
Communications, Yukon Liquor Corporation