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Need a Legal Professional?

Éducaloi’s mission is to inform Quebecers of their rights and obligations by providing legal information in everyday language. However, the organization only provides general information. If you have a specific problem, consult a lawyer or notary.

Need a lawyer?

The Barreau du Québec’s free referral service can help you by providing contact information for a lawyer practicing in a particular area of law.

The referral service representative will ask you a few questions to determine your needs. You will then receive contact information for a lawyer who meets your requirements. It’s then up to you to contact the lawyer in question.

Fees for an initial 30-minute consultation are between $0 and $30, depending on the region.

To contact the referral service of the Barreau de Montréal:
(514) 866-2490

Quebec City
To contact the referral service of the Barreau de Québec:
(418) 529-0301 extension 22

Elsewhere in Quebec
To contact the referral service of the l’Association des avocats de province:
(514) 954-3528 or 1 866 954-3528

Need a notary?

The referral service of Quebec’s Chambre des notaires can provide you with contact information for a notary specialized in a particular area of law.

To contact the referral service of Quebec’s Chambre des notaires:
(514) 879-1793 or 1 800 668-2473

Our Partners:
Justice Canada Justice Québec Soquij Barreau du Québec
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