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Yukon Bonus

The Yukon bonus travel benefit is a sum of money paid to eligible employees for travel assistance. The full amount is paid to full-time employees and pro-rated for part-time employees.

When receiving the Yukon bonus employees have a choice, namely to have income tax deducted at source or for taxes not to be withheld at the source. The Yukon bonus is subject to income tax and the gross amount of the Yukon Bonus will be reflected in your Total Earnings at the end of the year and will be indicated on your T4 slip for income tax purposes. In other words employees have the choice to have income tax taken off the bonus at the time the payment is made or receive the full amount when eligible, and defer the income tax deduction. In either case the full amount of the Yukon Bonus will be included on your T4 at the end of the year. Employees should keep this in mind when making the choice about how they want to receive the bonus.

After the first two years of continuous service and every year thereafter on the continuous service date, eligible employees will receive an automatic payment of a Yukon Bonus which will be paid on the pay day closest to the date of eligibility for the bonus. This amount will not be taxed at source, unless the employee has notified Employee Compensation to deduct taxes.  If an employee is on leave without pay at the time of eligibility, no payment will be made unless the employee requests it.

The eligibility for auxiliary employees is different than that of regular employees, it is based on regular hours of work. After 3,900 regular hours of work of continuous service with the Yukon Government and again after each completed 1,950 hours of continuous service an auxiliary employee is entitled to a Yukon Bonus. The auxiliary employee is advised when the eligibility period has been completed.

More information can be found in the applicable references listed below:


Last Update: 2008-01-29