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Position Classification

Classification of positions in the Yukon Government is governed by the Yukon Human Rights Act. The Act requires that the value of work performed shall be assessed based on the composite of the skill, effort and responsibility required in the position, as well as the working conditions.

To meet the requirements of the Act, the government uses a point factor rating system to measure all positions. This system utilizes four factors: job knowledge and skills, mental demands, accountability, and working conditions. Based on the job description, each factor is used to assess the job and factor points are allocated. The final job evaluation is reflected by the total number of points allocated for all factors.

The evaluation process focuses on the duties and responsibilities of the work assigned to the position, not on the incumbent’s performance of that work. This is an important consideration in ensuring that the classification process is objective and that the organization is able to meet it’s obligation to provide equal pay for work of equal value.

The point factor rating system applies to all YEU, confidential exclusion, and management positions. Teachers are compensated based on a system which is widely used across Canada that measures education and years of experience.


Position Classification

Job Evaluation System Manual

Last Update: 2005-08-23