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About the LDB

Organizational Overview

In British Columbia, there are two branches of government that are responsible for regulating and monitoring the liquor industry: the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB) and the Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB). The LCLB issues licences for making and selling liquor and supervises the service of liquor in licensed establishments. To learn more about the LCLB, visit their Web site at or check LCLB licensing regulations at

The LDB, under the authority of the Liquor Distribution Act, has the sole right to purchase beverage alcohol, both in and out of British Columbia, in accordance with the Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act (Canada). The LDB is responsible for the importation, distribution and retailing of beverage alcohol in British Columbia and operates government liquor stores and distribution centres in the province.

With a workforce of approximately 3,500 full and part-time employees, the LDB operates over 200 government liquor stores throughout the province; two distribution centres, one in Vancouver and one in Kamloops; and a head office facility in Vancouver.

In order to provide beverage alcohol products and service throughout the province, the LDB issues appointments or enters into agreements that authorize terms and conditions with the private sector for the operation of private retail outlets, such as rural agency stores, B.C. beverage alcohol manufacturer stores, independent wine stores and duty-free stores. These appointments and agreements are in addition to any licensing terms that may be in place with the LCLB.

As of March 31, 2007, private sector retail establishments included:
  · 631 LRSs (private liquor stores licensed to sell all liquor products);
  · 230 RASs (general merchandise stores in rural communities authorized to sell all liquor products);
  · 154 on-site manufacturer stores (stores at wineries, breweries and distilleries that sell products manufactured on-site);
  · 34 off-site manufacturer stores (stores operated by the BC wine industry that sell BC winery products);
  · 12 independent wine stores (private wine stores authorized to sell all types of wine); and
  · 11 duty-free stores.

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