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Human Services Topics

A comprehensive list of online resources

Children and Families Index

Abuse and Assault Counselling Programs For Women
Community-based "Stopping The Violence" counselling programs for women who have experienced sexual assault, relationship violence, or childhood abuse.

Achieve BC
Achieve BC brings together the latest educational tools and information for promoting learning and achievement in early childhood, grade school, post-secondary education, and the world of work.

Information on pre- and post-adoption services.

Child Abuse Prevention
Find out how you can prevent child abuse in your community. Includes sections on parent and family development, Aboriginal communities, teens, community resources, skills development and more.

Child Care
The Child Care website provides resources for parents, child care providers, and early childhood educators, including a searchable database of Child Care Resources in British Columbia, and policy and research information.

Children and Youth Representative
Responsible for protecting the rights of children, youth and their families and ensuring their voices are heard and considered in the provision of government services.

Children Who Witness Abuse Programs
Community-based programs which provide individual and group counselling services for children who witness abuse of a parent. Support is also available to the parent.

Congratulatory Messages
Every year the Congratulatory Messages Program coordinates thousands of official greetings for the residents of British Columbia on significant birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Whether it is parents celebrating a 25th wedding anniversary or a grandparent celebrating a 75th birthday, congratulatory messages are available.

Divorce and Separation
Divorce and separation information links in the Electronic Law Library.

Emergency Phone Lines
After hours and emergency phone lines for the Ministry of Children and Families.

Estate Administration
Protecting and settling an estate when someone dies without a will.

Family Justice
Resource information on counselling, legal advice, court procedures, co-operative avenues, basic family law, child/spousal support, custody and access etc. related to separation and divorce.

Foster Care
Foster care handbook, standards, publications, guardianship and child protection resources.

Healthy Kids Program
Program that extends basic dental and vision care to children in low- and moderate-income families.

Helpline for Children
24-hour service.

Identification Card
B.C. identification card information.

Mediation - Dispute Resolution Office
An introduction to mediation as a process for resolving disputes.

Public Guardian and Trustee
Acts to protect legal and financial interests of children, support financial/personal decision-making processes for adults and administers the estate of deceased or missing persons when there is no one else available to do it.

Transition Houses and Safe Homes
Provides temporary housing for women and their children leaving abusive relationships. Second-stage houses help women make long-term plans for independent living.

Trust Management
Explains the Public Guardian and Trustee of B.C.'s role in the management of individual children's trust portfolios.

Youth 4H Development Programs
Leadership and training programs provided by the BCMAFF Youth Development Programs.

Youth Services