Yarmouth County Museum & Archives
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Canada


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Exhibit: Landscape & Marine Paintings by William Wilson Cowell

Home of the Yarmouth County Museum & Archives, originally a Congregational Church, built in 1893.

Award-winning museum with over 20,000 artifacts which document Yarmouth County's heritage.

The third largest ship portrait collection in Canada.

One of the largest costume collections in Nova Scotia.

The largest non-institutional archives in Nova Scotia

Electric Car

Model of Ship Research

Music Box

Oriental Vases

Virtual Museum of Canada
Member of the Virtual Museum of Canada

The Marine History of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

This exhibit focuses on visual, textual, and oral accounts of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia's remarkable seafaring past, renowned as Canada's second largest fleet in the latter 19th century. One learns about ship types and styles, their cargoes, world destinations, and how to "read" ship portraits for valuable information.  Many touching stories are told of Yarmouth's captains and their families, the efforts of crew members to overcome the destructive forces of nature, of their courageous efforts (e.g. "Voyage of Many Rudders"), and of the often perilous lives they led at sea.

Museum Hours
May 15-October 14
Mon-Sat 9:00am-5:00pm
(6 pm in July & August)
Sun 1:00pm-6:00pm

October 16-May 14
Tues-Sat 2:00pm-5:00pm

Pelton-Fuller House &
Killam Bros. Shipping Office

Summer Only

Archives Hours
June 1-October 6
Tues-Sat 10 am-12 & 2-4 pm,
Sun - closed

October 9-May 31
Fri.-Sat 10 am-12 & 2-4pm
appointments recommended

How to find us:   Map

Director: Derek Kowalchuk Curator: Nadine Gates

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Owned and Operated by the
Yarmouth County Historical Society
22 Collins Street, Yarmouth Nova Scotia B5A 3C8 Canada
Phone: 902-742-5539  Fax:  902-749-1120

Email us at:

Museum:  ycmuseum@eastlink.ca 
Archives:  ycarchives@eastlink.ca

Site Updated January,2008

Created By:   Vaughn Bullerwell