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Impaired driving

Most British Columbians agree that drinking driving is a serious problem. But many drivers also believe that a "small" amount of alcohol does not impair their driving ability. This is simply not true. Even a small amount of alcohol can impair your driving ability. ICBC's current TV and radio ads have the theme of "Excuses", when will you stop making excuses for drinking and driving.

See/hear the latest CounterAttack TV and radio ads:

TV ads:

Radio ads:

See campaign posters:

If you were caught drinking and driving...

After getting pulled over, you could:

If you failed the breathalyzer, or refused to provide a sample, you would be served with an Administrative Driving Prohibition notice and prohibited from driving for 90 days. You could also be charged with a Criminal Code offence.

If convicted of a Criminal Code offence, you:

If you drove while prohibited or suspended, your car could be impounded for a minimum of 60 days. You would also be subject to a $500 fine, jail time, and more driving prohibitions.

Drinking and Driving Penalties (PDF)

Penalties - Fact sheets from the Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles

Facts about drinking and driving

Learn the facts about drinking and driving (PDF)

* Police (TAS) Traffic Accident System data (2005 fatality count is not fixed. Fatality data continues to settle over time).

Designated driving