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Corporate Records

The Operations Support Unit is responsible for approximately 500,000 active and historical corporate records. These records are available for inspection during normal business hours at the Corporate Registry. The exception is historical records which have been removed from the register for over ten years.

Ordering an Active File

An active file may be ordered for inspection at the Corporate Registry or by using our File Request system through BC OnLine. If you wish to use the BC OnLine File Request system for your file orders, contact the Operations Support Unit and provide your BC OnLine account number. Operations Support Unit staff will make the necessary arrangements.

Ordering a Historical File

A historical file may be ordered in the same manner as an active file. Please allow twenty-four hours for availability. If the historical file has been removed from the register for over 10 years, contact the Operations Support Unit to confirm location of the file. If the file is in the custody of the British Columbia Archives and Records Service, contact their office to arrange inspection of these files.

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