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BC HealthFiles

The BC HealthFiles are easy-to-understand fact sheets on health and safety topics such as: common illnesses, environmental health concerns, problems with pests, and health and safety tips. They are regularly updated with the latest BC health advice. More...

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BC HealthFile topics by Category

All BC HealthFile topics are also available by category. The 4 categories are Disease Prevention, Environment, Family and Home, and Seasonal.

BC HealthFile topics by Series

Some BC HealthFile topics are also available as a Series. There are 8 series, including Child Development, Child Immunization, Child Nutrition, Elder Abuse Prevention, Nutrition, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Tobacco Prevention, and a Travel series.

Translated BC HealthFile topics

A number of BC HealthFile topics have been translated into other languages, including Chinese, Farsi, French, Punjabi, Spanish, and Vietnamese.


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Last Revised: October 30, 2007

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