Site de l'Office québécois de la langue française

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The Charter of the French language

Regulations adopted under the Charter of the French language (Official text)

Infoguides on French language requirements in business, in commerce, and in the workplace

Page du GDT et de la BDL

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The present Guide to Cultural and Linguistic Norms of Québec, published by the BÉTEL (Banc d'évaluation technolinguistique) team at Office québécois de la langue française, references and explains all pertinent standards, national and international, defining the requirements to fully support French in the Québec context.

Readers, whether translators or developers, will find in this publication all the required standards to be applied in order to produce a proper Québec localization. Also, users of this guide will be able to configure their workstation in accordance with these localization norms.


Cultural and Linguistic Characteristics of Québec - Information Technology Conventions and Practices (New edition, November 2006) (PDF format) (version française)

Doing business in Québec (PDF format : 178 Kb) ( For businesses outside of Québec)

Frequently asked questions (version française)

Guide to obtain products in French (PDF format : 690 Kb) (version française)

Information technologies (version française)
What you should know about information technologies in French (material, software, websites)

Living in French in Québec (version française)
(PDF format)

Questions and answers about Québec's Language Policy (version française)
(PDF format)

The language of mass mailing in Québec

The language of work and francization of business firms (PDF format))

Selling or distributing your products in Québec? (version française)

Requirements at a glance (synthesis) (version française)

Special press releases (in English only)

Video games and the French language (PDF format : 220 Ko) (version française) New


Portail du Gouvernement du Québec