Wildlife Key Area Inventory Program,
Habitat & Regional Management

  1. 2007-May-31 The WKA Data: a collection of spatial/attribute data, pre-defined queries for ArcGIS, and an animal symbol font. The components include:
  • Shapefile (WKA.shp) which contains all of the Key Area polygons, compiled against 1:250,000 scale National Topographic Database, Natural Resources Canada. The data are provided in the Department of Environment’s standard projection. The shapefile, with the exception of references, contains all attribute data, including descriptive information and wildlife values. The WKA unique identifier is the attribute WKA_ID.
  • References table (WKAREF.dbf) that have a many-to-one relationship with WKA.shp, and can be linked via WKA_ID.
  • Layer files (for ArcGIS users) to simplify interpretation of Key Area polygons in ArcGIS 9.2. Layer files preserve queries, legend settings, and joins/relates. Defined queries within the layer files are of WKA Standard Wildlife Sets, grouped for cartographic reasons.
  • True Type Font (wkhanima.ttf) which contains animal silhouettes used in labeling Key Area polygons.

All components are available for download at ftp://ftp.geomaticsyukon.ca/Environment/ENV_WildlifeKeyArea.zip. Requirements are shapefile-compatible GIS software, and ArcGIS 9.2 for the layer files.

  1. Standard WKA maps at 1:250,000 scale are available as downloadable PDFs, while printed hard-copies are $20/map on request from the WKA Inventory Program, Habitat & Regional Management, Department of Environment.
  2. Yukon Wildlife Key Areas summary report: available as a Windows help file (WKAQUERY.hlp) or as a rich text document (WKA_summary.rtf).

Area specific summary reports and custom WKA maps may be produced by the user via the WKA Application. Please read the User's Agreement, (also in the Help file), for the proper citation, disclaimer and data source statement, and further user obligations.

WKA updates occur only periodically. For the most current information, please consult with the Regional Biologist for your area of interest. If you have questions or would like to contribute to the WKA database, please contact the WKA Inventory Program.

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