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Government of Yukon > Departments > Highways and Public Works > Information and Communications Technology Branch > Geomatics Yukon > Frequently Asked Questions

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Contact Us:

Geomatics Yukon
Information & Communication Technologies Division
Department of Highways and Public Works
Email: geomatics@gov.yk.ca

Last Updated January 4, 2008

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Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is the Yukon Spatial Data Clearinghouse?

A: The Yukon Spatial Data Clearinghouse is a web directory which outlines all of Yukon's available spatial data and presents a link as to where this information can be found. Spatial data found in the clearinghouse includes digital GIS information, web mapping applications and metadata, or a inventory of available spatial information.

Q: What are the Parameters for Yukon Albers Projection?

Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic
Datum: NAD83
Spheroid: GRS80
Central Meridian: 132°30’00" W (-132.5 in decimal degrees)
Projection Origin: 59°00’00" N
1st Standard Parallel: 61°40’00" N (61.6666667 in decimal degrees)
2nd Standard Parallel: 68°00’00" N
False Easting: 500,000 m
False Northing: 500,000 m

A .prj file for ArcGIS 9.X with the Yukon Albers projection can be downloaded here. For it to appear as an available projection when editing the spatial reference properties unzip it and save it in the ArcGIS\Coordinate Systems folder in the directory where your software was installed.