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Community Care and Assisted Living Appeal Board

Welcome to the Community Care and Assisted Living Appeal Board

Welcome to the website for the Community Care and Assisted Living Appeal Board (CCALAB) of British Columbia. The CCALAB is a tribunal created under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act to hear and decide appeals from licensing, registration and certification decisions about community care facilities, assisted living residences and early childhood educators.

This website provides information about the CCALAB and how the appeal process to the CCALAB operates.  The Appeal Process section provides access to the CCALAB Rules of Practice and Procedure and links to CCALAB publications and other resources that may assist you with the appeal process.

Information provided to the CCALAB by one party must also be provided to all other parties to the appeal and members of the public may generally attend, but not participate in, appeal hearings.

The Board is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the regulations under that Act. If a member of the public requests access to records about an appeal, access may be given unless the information falls under an exception to disclosure in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or the Administrative Tribunals Act.
