Meth 101

Important Point Meth is rarely used in isolation from other harmful substances.
Important Point Initial perceived benefits are quickly replaced by anxiety, paranoia, and dysfunction.
Important Point Long-term use poses serious health risks, and can lead to dependence.
Important Point Meth is a growing concern, but with help, individuals can recover full, happy lives.

Getting Help

Methamphetamine comes in many forms—crystals, powder, capsules, and pills—the crystal form is currently at the forefront of public concern, in part because of attention brought to it by the media.

Crystal meth has negatively affected the lives of many people.

This site is designed to help students, parents, and teachers understand more about crystal methamphetamine and other substances that put young people at risk of not reaching their full potential.

  • Young people can learn about crystal meth and the consequences of its use through info bites, games, and activities.
  • Parents can find substance-related information and parenting tips to help them address potential experimental or problem drug use by their child. 
  • Teachers will be able to find background information, resource materials, and lesson plans to help them and their students discuss issues related to the use of methamphetamine and other drugs.
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