Symbol of the government of Quebec



Fact Sheets


Growth Capital

Home-Based Business

Innovation and R&D

Marketing, Sales and Distribution

Public Markets

Programs and Services


e-Business Trade Roadmap—Industy Canada
Directory of hyperlinks to public and private sector Web sites which focus on Internet-based international trade transactions.
E-Business relevancy diagnostic—Business Development Bank of Canada
This tool measures e-business relevancy for your firm and provides a relevancy score and a detailed interpretation of your results.
E-Business readiness diagnostic—Business Development Bank of Canada
This tool measures your firm's readiness regarding e-business planning and implementation and provides an e-business readiness score and a summary page with concluding remarks.
ebiz.enable—Industry Canada
ebiz.enable tells you exactly what e-business is and how it can help you. Learn the basics with the easy-to-use tutorial.
E-Business Info-Guides—Alberta E-Future Centre
4-8 page PDF documents created to help small business owners understand such topics as e-business planning and strategy, Web site design, Internet marketing, Internet security and privacy, selling online, and business-to-business e-commerce.
Entrepreneurship Explorer Platform—SAJE Montréal Centre
Entrepreneurship Explorer is a virtual business site aimed at facilitating the learning process for business start-up and development for entrepreneurs. (In French only)

Other Resources:
