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The Occupational Health and Safety Video Library is a joint initiative of the Workers’ Compensation Board of
Nova Scotia and the Occupational Health and Safety Division of Nova Scotia Environment and Labour.
This video catalogue has been assembled in an effort to make these educational materials more readily
available to clients in Atlantic Canada.
This catalogue is produced by the Nova Scotia Environment and Labour Library.
All videos and DVDs are available on loan to residents of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward
Island and New Brunswick. Materials are loaned free of charge.
A maximum of 5 items may be borrowed at any one time.
Make your reservations at least 3 weeks in advance.
The normal lending period is 2 weeks, and materials must be returned at that time. Where
circumstances warrant and a request is made in advance, arrangements may be made to extend the
loan period.
Shipping costs on all outgoing videos and DVDs are paid by the OH&S division.
The borrower is required to pay all return charges. Materials must be returned by courier or in
person, not by mail.
Videos and DVDs lost or damaged while in the possession of the borrower are the responsibility of the
Videos/DVDs can be requested by contacting the Nova Scotia Environment and Labour Library. The
contact information is listed below.
Nova Scotia Environment & Labour Library
5151 Terminal Road
Halifax, NS
B3J 2T8
Tel: (902) 424-8474
Fax: (902) 424-6925

Page 3
Accident Investigation
Air Quality and Ventilation
Analysing Safety
Back Safety
Chemical Safety
Committees and Meetings
Confined Space Safety
Construction Safety
Driving Safety
Electrical Safety
Eye Safety
Farm/Groundskeeping Safety
Fire Safety

Page 4
Foot Safety
Forestry Safety
Forklift Safety
General Health
Hand Safety
Hazard Awareness and Analysis
Head Safety
Hearing Safety
Housekeeping Safety
Industrial Safety
Kitchen Safety
Legislative and Regulatory
Machine Safety
Managing Health and Safety
Manual Handling
Marine and Air Safety
Medical and Hospitals
Office Safety
Personal Protection and Safety

Page 5
Rigging Safety
Safety Awareness and Inspection
Tools: Hand and Power
Trenching Safety
Underground Mining
Welding, Grinding and Cutting
WHMIS/Hazardous Materials

Page 6
Accident Investigation
Accident investigation is an essential part of any overall safety program. Much can be learned from successful
completion of investigations to improve procedures, safety rules and prevent accidents and injuries in the future.
Some highlights of this program include: types of accidents, outcomes of accidents, and contributory factors
leading to accidents.
Length: 12 minutes
(472 DVD) Accident Investigation
The topics covered in the video include the goals of an accident investigation, securing an accident scene, "root-
cause" analysis, the importance of investigative interviews, assisting in an accident investigation, reporting the
"near misses", the role of policies, equipment and training on accident prevention.
Length: 13 minutes
Too Close for Comfort: Near Miss Reporting and Investigation
This video defines the term "Near Miss Incident" and stresses the importance of proper reporting and
investigation of near miss incidents.
Length: 15 minutes
Who's to Blame?
Mary Dalton thinks incident reports are for finger-pointing, but when she injures herself, she learns that incident
reports are meant to help all of us work safely. TAKE TWO and learn from the mistakes of others.
Length: 9 minutes

Page 7
About AIDS
This tape is designed to give clean answers to some common questions about AIDS and motivate people to
protect themselves from infection with the AIDS virus.
Length: 20 minutes

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Air Purifying Respirators : Information to Know
No description available.
Length: English - 22 minutes
French - 25 minutes
Air Sampling
This is an informative video on air monitoring techniques used by an industrial hygienist.
Length: 12 minutes
A Breath of Fresh Air: Improving Air Quality in Your Office
Concerned about the air quality in your office? This live action video for office workers and managers will help
you become an office detective. It includes common symptoms caused by poor air quality; a step-by-step
procedure for investigating and correcting a suspected problem in your office.
Length: 25 minutes
This video provides information on techniques and controls used to control airborne hazards.
Length: 13 minutes

Page 9
A Formula For Effective Risk Management
The first of this two tape program introduces the components of effective risk communication and introduces the
concept of hazard versus outrage. The program then continues to discuss the first six of 20 components that
create outrage and how they can be effectively addressed. The second of the two tape program continues the
discussion of components seven to 20 that create outrage and outlines effective strategies for addressing each
component. The session finishes up with a series of conclusions, a review of the two tape program and a short
question and answer session.
Length: Part 1 - 46 minutes
Part 2 - 65 minutes
Guiding the New Employee to Safety
New employees must be introduced to the importance of safe work practices, and that responsibility rests upon
the first-line supervisor.
Length: 14 minutes
The Making of JSA: Job Safety Analysis
This program uses the humorous interaction between a wild video producer and a conservative safety director
to illustrate the components of the JSA, such as criteria for job selection, breaking the job into steps, identifying
the hazards at each step, and developing procedures to eliminate hazards. Also covered are the uses of the
JSA, including self-reference guides, training for new workers, equipment safety maintenance checklists, and
accident analysis.
Length: 21 minutes
Mastering Job Safety Analysis
Teaches the first-line supervisor how to develop a step-by-step procedure for breaking down the elements of a
job so it can be performed as safely as possible.
Length: 15 minutes
Risk Management Today
Deals with risk management and accidents pertaining to losses, including a brief reference to safety. Resource
tape for those involved in loss control management. Deals also with cost analysis pertaining to losses in
workplaces of all types - insured or uninsured. Business common sense stressed.
Length: 10 minutes

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Supervising Safety: You Make The Difference
A video training program designed for supervisors. It informs them of the ways in which they can improve the
safety of the operations they supervise by modeling and other techniques. The program discusses the factors
that lead to accidents and the techniques supervisors can use to change employees' behaviours to reduce the
number of accidents.
Length: 19 minutes
Understanding Your Safety Responsibility
Provides seven rules to observe in order to obtain the company's accident prevention goals while ensuring the
safety of the entire work crew.
Length: 14 minutes
Workcare: Occupational Health & Safety
This video depicts four scenarios where young engineers and managers have been exposed to health and
safety problems - not to themselves but with staff in their control. All resulted in workers contracting either
serious injury or permanent sickness as a result of the ignorance of the young professional person in charge.
Because health and safety was not part of their basic management or engineering training, these people have
inadvertently caused others to suffer.
Length: 22 minutes

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Asbestos Abatement
This video provides a total overview of asbestos abatement techniques and technologies. The program
assumes no specific knowledge on the part of the viewer and is designed for use by both lay persons and
professionals who must quickly understand the complex process of asbestos abatement in buildings.
Length: 63 minutes
Asbestos In Buildings
The purpose of this video is to put asbestos risks into perspective as well as to provide practical guidelines on
how best to deal with friable asbestos-containing materials in buildings.
Length: 14 minutes
Asbestos: Small Scale, Short Duration
This is a two-part live-action video program designed to instruct employees about the work procedures to follow
when working with asbestos. The program covers preliminary precautions and appropriate work practices for
jobs involving asbestos found in pipe insulation, flange gaskets, pump and valve packing, and insulation above
drop ceilings. The importance of using wet methods is emphasized. Both the glove bag and non-glove bag
technique are demonstrated.
Length: 29 minutes
Asbestos: Understanding the Hazard
This tape is a live-action video program designed to instruct employees about the hazards of asbestos. This
program covers some basic facts about asbestos, discusses government regulations concerning asbestos,
describes the long-term or chronic health effects associated with asbestos, and the basic work practices for
working safely with asbestos.
Length: 22 minutes
HEPA Vacuum Cleaners for Asbestos Clean-up (Automotive Brakes)
This video deals with the hazards of asbestos in brake repairs. The procedures for brake repair are covered to
protect the mechanics from asbestos dust. The stages of filtration in the HEPA vacuum cleaner are explained.
Length: 10 minutes

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Maintaining Asbestos Covered Pipes & Surfaces
This video provides a total orientation to the problem as well as specific instruction on how to minimize asbestos
exposure for janitors, custodial and industrial maintenance personnel.
Length: 50 minutes

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(453 DVD) Back at Work
DVD. This unique video program reviews proper lifting procedures and makes workers realize how important
lifestyle is when it comes to avoiding back injuries. It covers proper lifting procedures, consequences of
shortcuts, posture, exercise and physical fitness. This program should make a positive impact on every aspect
of your employees’ performance at work and at home.
Length: 16 minutes
Back Care & Safety
Informs the viewers about the back and how it works. Demonstrations include common types of back injuries
and their causes. The short and long-term effects of back injuries are discussed. Injury prevention techniques
are shown. Back muscle strengthening exercises and proper lifting techniques are illustrated.
Length: 14 minutes
Back Injury Prevention
No description available
Length: 15 minutes
Back Safety for Material Handlers
This program teaches back safety techniques specific to material handlers, as well as exercises to keep back
muscles strong and flexible. This video includes: back structure, repetitive stress and reverse stretching, proper
lifting, vehicles and back safety, using hand trucks, and warning signs of back injury.
Length: 13 minutes
Facts on Backs
This tape shows various ways back injury problems can sneak into your operations. Explains how to avoid back
injury in situations where worker can't bend at the knees and lift. Also applies back injury prevention to off-the-
job and family safety situations.
Length: 19 minutes

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Anthrax Awareness
No description available
Length: 13 minutes
Centrifugation Hazards
This video provides guidance for the safe use of centrifuges. It will introduce new staff to good laboratory
practices and provide a meaningful technical review in safety for the more experienced laboratory worker.
Length: 9 minutes
Chemical Storage Hazards
This video provides guidance for the prudent storage of the chemicals used in the modern biology laboratory. It
will introduce new staff to good laboratory practices and provide a meaningful technical review in safety for the
more experienced laboratory worker.
Length: 11 minutes
Chemicals And Pregnancy: Giving Your Baby The Right Start
Employers, supervisors, workers and their spouses are equally concerned about how chemical exposure may
effect pregnancy. This clear, concise, factual video program presents the most current information, emphasizing
that, by following recommended procedures, chemicals can be handled safely. The program thoroughly
discusses the causes of birth defects and the precautionary measures necessary to prevent exposure to
harmful agents, both at home and in the workplace.
Length: 18 minutes
Chemicals Under Control
This tape is organized as a general information source for employees who need to know about handling
chemicals safely. Among the new potential dangers discussed in this tape are fire, explosion, toxicity, reactivity,
and the hidden hazards caused by changing conditions and combinations. Among the safety factors illustrated
are housekeeping, work procedures, clean-up and personal hygiene, detecting the presence of hazardous
chemicals, emergency procedures, and personal protective devices.
Length: 17 minutes

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Chlorine Safety
This video demonstrates and explains the properties of chlorine, how it is recognized, and how to deal with
chlorine emergencies. The program is designed for employees who come in contact with chlorine in their daily
Length: 9 minutes
Controlling Exposure To Toxic Substances
This video deals with training on the controls used to minimize toxic substances.
Length: 30 minutes
Controlling Lead Exposure For Stained Glass Professionals & Hobbyists
This video discusses the control of lead exposure in stain glass work for hobbyists and professionals in the field.
The potential health affects are described as well as the control measures and techniques that can reduce the
likelihood of exposure. The video prepared in the U.S. discuss regulatory requirements from the American
context. For information specific to your jurisdiction, contact Environment and Labour.
Length: 13 minutes
Corrosives and Irritants
It may surprise you how many corrosive or irritating chemicals are to be found in everyday applications - both at
home and at work. This program looks at some that are most commonly found and the hazards they pose.
Route of entry for this category of chemicals is usually skin contact and inhalation. The program describes the
difference between corrosives and irritants, and follows up with advice on protection, first aid, and clean-up
Length: 10 minutes
Dealing With Chemical Safety
The physical form, the dose, the risks, the hazards and methods of entry into the body are some of the subjects
addressed in this video. Control measures to minimize the hazards ranging from elimination and substitution
through to the role of personal protective equipment are examined in detail. A good video to expose the
workforce to the hazards of a variety of chemical in the workplace, the risks to the workers, the plant and the
Length: 11 minutes

Page 16
Fire & Spill Procedures for Pesticide Vendors
Pre-emergency planning and emergency procedures for fires and spills are outlined. Topics covered include
step by step procedures for dealing with major fires, powder and liquid spills.
Length: 14 minutes
Flammables, Combustibles & Explosives
A number of the substances in this category are not usually thought of as chemicals - yet, they can cause
serious physical hazards. For example, gasoline, alcohol, acetylene, and even grain dust can all be classified as
flammables, combustibles or explosives. This program explains the difference between a flammable material
and a combustible material, then presents information on protection and labeling, first aid, and clean-up of spills.
The importance of checking the MSDS is stressed.
Length: 12 minutes
Glassware Washing Hazards
This video provides guidance for the safe washing and sterilization of laboratory glassware. It will introduce new
staff to good laboratory practice and provides a meaningful technical review in safety for the more experienced
laboratory worker.
Length: 10 minutes
Handling Hazardous Chemicals Safely
Illustrates how the labels on chemical containers can guide workers to properly handle hazardous chemicals on
your premises. Explains how to handle and store oxidizers, poisons, corrosives, flammables and water sensitive
chemicals; shows what to do if a spill occurs; stresses the importance of protective and emergency equipment.
Length: 16 minutes
Hazardous Materials
Recognize types of hazards presented by materials used in the workplace and safe work procedures involved.
Length: 27 minutes

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Lab Ventilation
This video describes the purpose and general operation of lab systems. The program describes the
characteristics of a ventilation system and explains the parts and operation of fume hoods and biological safety
cabinets. It is also intended as an introduction for new employees and as a refresher for experienced
Length: 10 minutes
Pesticide Safety in the Greenhouse
This video demonstrates safety procedures specific to applying pesticides in the greenhouse during high
volume, low volume, and granular applications. Procedures cover times before, during, and after application.
Length: 13 minutes
Pesticide Vendor Storage & Display
This tape outlines the federal and provincial requirements and additional safety precautions to which wholesale
and retail vendors must comply to properly and legally store and display pesticides.
Length: 21 minutes
Protective Clothing & Equipment for Pesticide Use
This video demonstrates the types of clothing that a user of pesticides should wear to protect him/her self from
exposure. The tape discusses the reasons for wearing equipment, the situations requiring different degrees of
protection, and the proper methods of cleaning and storing clothing and equipment.
Length: 27 minutes
Safe Handling Of Gases
Included in this video are types of gases, the hazards associated with gases, things to do before using a gas
cylinder; general do's and don'ts; safe storage, safe handling, transportation, leak testing and emergency
Length: 19 minutes

Page 18
Safety Elements in Laboratory Practice
This video shows basic safety principles for employees or students using chemicals in laboratories in industry,
schools, or hospitals, including eye protection, protective clothing, flammability, glassware, chemicals,
apparatus, injury prevention and toxicity.
Length: 20 minutes
With the ever increasing number of chemicals and substances, this video covers the understanding of what is
meant by toxicology, the health effects and control methods to control exposure.
Length: 15 minutes
Toxins and Poisons
All of us are exposed to toxic substances everyday, but most exposures are not harmful. Problems do occur,
however, when doses are increased or the periods of exposure are extended. While most hazardous
substances affect the body at the point of contact, toxins and poisons affect organ systems and processes. This
program introduces the two basic types of toxic effects (acute and chronic), routes of entry, and first aid
procedures. To protect against this hazard, the program advises becoming familiar with toxic substances
handled, as well as good personal hygiene.
Length: 9 minutes
Why Take Two
Lab Technician Joe Atkins does a lot of talking about safety but talking about safety isn't practicing safety. He
learns this when he spills acid while not wearing face protection. We need to TAKE TWO and think about safety
before starting any tasks.
Length: 8 minutes
Your Part In Safe Chemical Storage
Because chemicals are so common and because the dangers of improper storage are so real, it's important that
employees know what they can do to make sure chemicals are stored safely. This video will explain ten
guidelines that employees can use to prevent the most common types of safety hazards that result from the
improper storage of chemicals.
Length: 15 minutes

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Improving Your Safety Meetings
Shows the foreman five rules of good practice and offers examples to use in a safety presentation.
Length: 16 minutes
Talking Of Safety
This video dramatizes how a poorly functioning Occupational Health and Safety Committee can be transformed
to an effective group through dedicated leadership and attention to the proper roles of such committees.
Length: 23 minutes

Page 20
Confined Space Atmospheric Testing (Canadian version)
By nature, the air within confined spaces can become hazardous due to a lack or excess of oxygen.
Atmospheric testing is paramount for safe work in this environment as it allows for the identification and
elimination of dangers.
Length: 17 minutes
Confined Space Case Histories
Stresses the importance of the supervisor's responsibility to teach miners the correct, safe, and efficient
methods for performing their jobs.
Length: 15 minutes
(448 DVD) Confined Space Entry: Investigation
DVD. Investigates two real confined space accidents, what happened, what went wrong and how they could
have been prevented.
Length: 23 minutes
Confined Space Hotwork
Covers: entry permit; preparation, atmospheric testing; fire watch; and emergency rescue.
Length: 13 minutes
Confined Space Non-Entry Rescue (Canadian version)
Entry into confined spaces by untrained rescuers has resulted in injury and death. This video provides
techniques on retrieving workers by avoiding further entry into the confined space.
Length: 20 minutes
Confined Space Rescue (Canadian version)
No description available
Length: 21 minutes

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Confined Space Ventilation (Canadian version)
Ventilation is a means of controlling atmospheric hazards of confined spaces. This video discusses mechanical
Length: 18 minutes
Confined Spaces
Covers the hazards of confined spaces, precautionary measures and general working practices. Confined
spaces covered in this module include vessels, bins, hoppers, open or closed tanks, pipes, ducts, flues,
reactors, and chambers.
Length: 18 minutes
(452 DVD) Inside Maneuvers: Confined Space Entry - Entrée en espace clos: Manœuvres
DVD. Working in a confined space is a lot like working in a submarine -- space is tight, atmospheric conditions
are critical and potential hazards abound. This DVD features the USS Atlanta, a United States naval submarine,
and its crew as a dramatic backdrop to compare the dangers of working in a submarine with those of working in
a confined space. In English and French.
Length: 24 min.
The What-if Game
Rudy Valdez enters a tank without a back-up person, an air bottle, or taking an air test. Safety is not a matter of
luck. We need to think WHAT IF? and anticipate the consequences. It's important to rely on procedures and
Length: 10 minutes

Page 22
Anchorages Make The Connection (Canadian)
No description available
Being Your Best
This video is specifically designed for the needs of the pipeline construction industry; the video emphasizes top
down involvement, teamwork, and personal responsibility. It highlights the many aspects of pipeline
construction where safety hazards exist, and illustrates what is required to minimize the dangers.
Length: 21 minutes
Inspection, Care and Storage of Slings
This program looks at a range of lifting equipment and the fundamental principles that should be followed to
prevent accidents.
The program concentrates on chain slings, wire slings and fibre slings and covers the following issues: pre-use
checks, care of equipment whilst in use, planned periodic inspections, and storage of equipment.
The program looks at all the general do's and don'ts when using slings and highlights the importance of the pre-
use checks and what all operators should look for when selecting the appropriate sling for a given task.
Length: 17 minutes
Ladder Safety Off the Job
No description available
Length: 10 minutes
Ladder Safety On the Job
No description available
Length: 10 minutes

Page 23
Ladder Safety Training
Using a ladder without setting it properly can result in falling and severe injury. This tape on ladder safety will
show the user how to use various ladders (step and extension) in a safe way. It also includes many tips on
picking the proper ladder for the specific job.
Length: 22 minutes
A substantial number of ladder-related construction accidents involve falls causing critical injury or death, and
most are due to the improper use of ladders. This program provides guidelines to promote better safety
awareness and responsibility in ladder use. Viewers become acquainted with many common types of ladders in
various situations. The safe construction of job-built single and double-width ladders is also demonstrated.
Length: 19 minutes
Mobile Cranes
Covers on rubber/off rubber load and capacity chart interpretations and unsafe, outriggers, hydraulic and lattice
booms, operations and assembly, operating techniques.
Length: 18 minutes
Radio Controlled Crane Safety
Covers Transmitter Use, Safety Procedures, Lifting Techniques, Operator Positioning, Pendant Care and Use.
Length: 15 minutes
Safety Demonstration on Jointer
Explains uses of jointer and describes its parts. Shows how to find minimum length and thickness of stock; how
to feed stock; how to joint an edge, a face, and an end; how to make bevel cuts; plush stick/hand feeding.
Length: 12 minutes

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Safety Demonstration on Radial Saw
Illustrates procedures for ripping, crosscutting and adjusting the blade guard and anti-kickback bar. Explains use
of the friction brake, how to adjust the motor yoke, change the cutting angle, etc.
Length: 12 minutes
Safety Demonstration on Single Surface Planer
Shows use of planer and details of operation including: how to determine settings, selecting feed roll speed,
maximum width and minimum length of stock, feeding stock with regard to grain, dealing with STUCK STOCK,
Length: 16 minutes
Safety Demonstration on the Band Saw
Shows how to adjust table angle and height of upper guard and guide assembly operation of brake,
previsualization of cutting moves, need for a maximum of forward cuts and how to use relief cuts, how to feed
Length: 14 minutes
Safety Demonstration on Wood Lathe
Shows lathe shaping, cutting to size, sanding and finishing, main parts and functions of the wood lathe. Also
gouges, skews, parting tools and scrapers, how to mount stock, adjust tool rest, turning tools, and the spindle
Length: 11 minutes
Safety Demonstration on Wood Shaper-1
Shows use of shaper and variety of spindle and cutter shapes and sizes. Also shows how to change spindles
and cutters, to install and align fence, select cutter rotation and reverse direction and how to test a set-up.
Length: 10 minutes
Safety Demonstration on Wood Shaper-2
Explains steady feed, dangers of stopping and backing up, feed for straight facing, using rub collar, feeding with
starting pin and rub collar. Use of spring ring guard, pressure bar, tall and bevel fences.
Length: 10 minutes

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No description available
Length: 14 minutes
Working Safely at Heights, Belledune
1991 - This tape introduces fall arrest equipment such as belts, harnesses, lanyards, etc. Proper use and
installation of fall arrest equipment is demonstrated, and the prevention of accidents and regulations governing
fall arrest are discussed.
Length: 7 minutes

Page 26
The Bead Seater
This video covers a new way of mounting tires on rims and saves 50 - 60% of labour factor. It can be used in
shops, on the road or on wood sites. A must for all operators and people changing heavy equipment tires.
Length: 8 minutes
Drive to Survive : Dedicated to Improving Public Safety on our Roadways
No description available.
Length: 18 minutes
Driving - Risks and Responsibilities
The motor vehicle is the single largest cause of work related deaths in this country. It is also the cause of many
serious injuries.
This program examines the costs associated with operating company vehicles and some general issues
associated with driving at work. It does not teach driving skills.
Included in the program:
Essential reason for a safe driving program
The four components of a safe driving program
Preventing theft
Parking a vehicle
General do's and don'ts
What should be done if an accident occurs
Its potential to cause death and injury, plus the costs associated with their operation, puts the motor vehicle right
at the top of the list of safety issues.
Length: 17 minutes
Rim And Wheel Safety
This video discusses accidents and portrays accidents using a dummy. It covers tires in the mining and forestry
industry, demounting and mounting tires the safe way and safety cages. This is a good tape for people who
change tires on heavy equipment as well as operators of equipment.
Length: 14 minutes

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Safety on the Move : Truck Haulage Safety
No description available
Length: 16 minutes
Winter Driving Safety
Excellent video. Shows employees how to drive in winter weather. Gives procedures for being stuck in snow/ice,
and correcting and eliminating skids. Indicates stopping distances in winter weather, and proper use of
conventional vs. ABS braking systems.
Length: 18 minutes
Winter Driving Techniques
Show simple safety precautions with this video that discusses techniques for negotiating hills, handling skids,
getting vehicles out of snow and avoiding collisions
Length: 8 minutes

Page 28
Agricultural lockout
Provides good information on the importance of lockout and tagout procedures while working on machinery in a
farm setting. Video refers to hazard assessments and written safety programs as well as the need for written
lockout/tagout procedures. The video further notes and illustrates the need for communicating the written
procedures to workers and contractors and the need for proper restarting procedures. Viewer should be aware
that lockout is a specific requirement in the N.S. Occupational Safety General Regulations.
Electrical Installations
Recognize various pieces of electrical equipment and safe practices in their installation.
Length: 18 minutes
Electrical Lock-out Procedures
In this tape, some of these ACCIDENTS are dramatically recreated pointing out he potential hazards connected
with specific jobs - and the need for immediate, thorough training in proper lock-out procedures for all those who
work with or around electrical installations, and those who operate electric-powered machinery and equipment.
Length: 11 minutes
Electrical Safety in the Workplace
Contains definitions of basic electrical terms. States and explains basic rules of electricity, effects of current on
the human body; common hazards and hazard control.
Length: 27 minutes
Electricity: the Unseen Danger
This is a video training program designed to provide employees with an understanding of the hazards of
electricity, and the safe work practices used to minimize the incidence of electrical injuries. Topics covered
include how electricity affects the human body, common accident situations, and emergency procedures to
follow in the event of an electrical accident.
Length: 22 minutes

Page 29
Every year, electrical accidents cause serious injury or death. Many of these casualties are young people just
entering the workplace. They are involved in accidents that result from carelessness, from the pressures and
distractions of a new job, or lack of understanding about electricity. This package of material is intended to
develop an awareness that will help prevent young people from being injured in electrical accidents.
Length: 28 minutes
Equipment and Machine Guarding
No description available
Lockout Procedure
1989 - Lockout is a safety procedure which is essential whenever cleaning, maintenance or adjustments are to
be carried out on many pieces of industrial equipment. The aim of a successful lockout is to isolate all forms of
energy, ensure no accidental release of potentially hazardous energy and to control entry to a restricted area.
Length: 11 minutes
Lockout/Tagout - Controlling the Beast
This video deals with the measures necessary to protect employees from the hazards of uncontrolled energy. It
reviews vital lock/tagout procedures, graphically demonstrates the hazards of uncontrolled energy and how and
why to lockout.
Length: 19 minutes
Lockout/Tagout - Of Energy Sources
This classic video has been considered the pre-eminent program on lockout/tagout for some time. It details
correct procedures for locking and tagging all energy sources and it will help your company avoid catastrophic
accidents. It covers hazards of uncontrolled energy when to lock and tag; equipment shutdown and isolation
and control of stored energy.
Length: 27 minutes

Page 30
All the Right Moves: Ergonomics In The Workplace
1990 - This is a live action video program designed to inform supervisors and managers about the nature and
seriousness of cumulative trauma disorders. It emphasizes how to identify, analyse and control work situations
that can lead to musculoskeletal disabilities by implementing ergonomic principles.
Length: 18 minutes
Anthropometry: Is It Going to Fit Your Workplace?
This video reviews physical differences - strength, size, sex - and how they influence efficiency, production, and
safety. The dangers of designing for the average person.
Length: 16 minutes
Applying Basic Ergonomics to Materials Handling
The sequel to The Bad Back Video...covers how to design-out lifting hazards from the workplace using basic
ergonomic techniques at little or no cost. Excellent for management, engineers, supervisors, safety managers,
and anyone interested in preventing back injury and back pain, the tape draws on graphic workshop examples
to demonstrate that back injuries are not the price that industry must pay for production, and that back injuries
can be prevented and controlled at little or no cost.
Length: 27 minutes
Back Injury Prevention Through Ergonomics
This program examines the back and explains why injuries occur so often. The important factors involved in
analysing and planning tasks to fit workers' physical capabilities are stressed. The NIOSH formula for lifting-task
analysis is fully explained. Examples of ergonomically designed industrial situations illustrate the advantages of
such job alterations.
Length: 15 minutes
The Bad Back Video
This video reviews the functional anatomy of the spine. Demonstrates better back care and shows that back
injuries are easily preventable.
Length: 26 minutes

Page 31
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Key Method of Prevention
The purpose of this video is to discuss and demonstrate what Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is, what causes it, and
how it can be prevented.
Length: 15 minutes
Computer Fitness - How To Work Comfortably, Productively & Safely
This training video addresses valuable "how-to's" of working safely with video display terminals, including how to
set up a workstation correctly, how to decrease physical stress and fatigue, and how to use adaptive devices.
Concern over RF radiation is discussed. Simple and effective stretches to help reduce computer related health
problems are also demonstrated.
Length: 19 minutes
The Development of Ergonomics
As Mr. Ring discusses how ergonomics came to the forefront, the viewer realizes that minor changes can result
in significant improvements. Mr. Ring's lecture is a passionate examination of the human side of loss due to
poor workplace design.
Length: 23 minutes
Ergonomics At Work
Everyone viewing this detailed program will realize how ergonomics can help people work more safely while
increasing productivity and efficiency. The concept of ergonomics is fully explained while industrial situations
demonstrate how helpful devices, good workplace design, employee training and job redesign can improve
production. These solutions may involve only common sense and minimum investment, resulting in maximum
employee well-being and productivity.
Length: 14 minutes
Ergonomics Off The Job
No description available
Length: 12 minutes

Page 32
Ergonomics : The Practical Approach
Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between people, the equipment they use and the physical
environment in which they work.
Ergonomics is about the application of the knowledge of this relationship to benefit well-being, performance and
improve both short and long term health and safety.
Subjects covered in the program include:
* Why and how ergonomics is applied
* The general approach individuals should apply when
addressing ergonomic hazards
* The human body and work space design
* Static and muscular effort
* Controls and displays
Compromises and often small improvement are the hallmarks of almost every organization's commitment to
ergonomics - however, long term results can be dramatic.
Applied properly, ergonomic principles will improve productivity, morale, health and safety.
This program is suitable for all in the workforce for an introduction to ergonomics and to reinforce the principles
that must be employed when addressing ergonomic problems.
Length: 15 minutes
The Evaluation of Visual Display Terminals
Poorly-designed visual display terminal workstations cause numerous preventable problems. Using interesting
visual aids, Mr. Ring encourages viewers to think about the specific steps for improving their workplace.
Training visual display terminal operators should be fun; Mr. Ring offers some practical suggestions for making
it so.
Length: 24 minutes
Home Ergonomics
This video teaches viewers to recognize that the home is, as Mr. Ring puts it, a "minefield" of ergonomic
hazards. Using a variety of interesting visual aids, Mr. Ring examines the ergonomics of everything from
automobile trunks to the best way of getting out of bed.
Length: 20 minutes

Page 33
It All Adds Up - Cumulative Trauma
1991 - After watching this video, employees will be able to: define ergonomics in simple terms; define
cumulative trauma disorder (CTD)/repetitive motion disorder; list two common types of CTDs; describe activities
that lead to repetitive motion injuries; recognize body postures and awkward positions that can cause CTD
problems; practice prevention measures on hand and off the job; define and demonstrate the "neutral position";
utilize simple solutions to workstation design problems in their own workstations; and understand the
importance of exercise and job variety in the prevention of CTDs.
Length: 16 minutes
Man the Fallible Machine
Ergonomics is the application of knowledge about human characteristics to benefit well-being and performance
in any man-machine system through: design, selection and training. Benefits include improved productivity,
quality and safety with reduced absenteeism and turnover. The result will be work systems which are more
humane, fulfilling and efficient.
Length: 12 minutes
Managing Cumulative Trauma
1991 - After watching this video, supervisors will be able to: define Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD); identify
the most common areas of injury that are affected by CTD; create a plan for handling a CTD injury that treats,
rehabilitates, and meets compliance requirements; analyse and neutralize problem work areas; develop a case
management plan that utilizes health care, communications, return-to-work, and education; define work
hardening; integrate work hardening into a case management plan; and describe a functional assessment and
explain why it is necessary.
Length: 20 minutes
Managing Ergonomics in the Workplace
This video is designed for supervisors and deals with cumulative trauma disorders. Describes how to recognize
the risk factors and when to intervene to eliminate the effects of cumulative trauma disorders.
Length: 18 minutes

Page 34
Meeting the Challenge
1991 - After watching this video, supervisors will be able to: define Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD); explain
why CTD is an important issue in today's workplace; describe causes of CTD, list two key preventative
measures; analyse workstations to gauge the risk of CTD; neutralize the effects of CTD through better
workstation design; encourage good body posture and communication; discuss the importance of job sharing
and exercise; and identify possible injury causing situations.
Length: 14 minutes
(447 DVD) Office Ergonomics: It's Your Move
DVD. Takes a look at musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), their signs and symptoms, and what your employees
can do to prevent them. Covers signs and symptoms of MSDs, identifies MSD risk factors, how to prevent
MSDs, and the benefits of protecting yourself while you work.
Posture and Fatigue
Clear, concise, an full of practical commons sense, this tape shows the difference between static and active
muscle work and the physiological consequences leading to fatigue... why good posture is so important for safe
and efficient work environment... what are optimum work positions? to design so that good posture can be
easily maintained. All work activities should occur within normal arm, leg, and head movements - this tape
covers all these aspects, and more.
Length: 29 minutes
The Prevention of Repetitive Strain Hand Injuries
Mr. Ring uses some very interesting visual aids and clear non-technical language to discuss the causes and
effects of repetitive motion disorders, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In particular, Mr. Ring illustrates how
simple ergonomic design changes can reap great benefits.
Length: 28 minutes
Seating for Everybody
We spend almost 30% of our life sitting, yet we give remarkably little attention to the chairs we choose. Best
selling, eye pleasing chairs are often very poor performers for employee comfort. In this video, Mr. Ring
discusses six factors of good chair design, and illustrates reasons to buy a chair to suit the body, not the eye.
Length: 28 minutes

Page 35
Traumatic Hand Injury Prevention & Stereotyping
In this video, Mr. Ring's topic is the uniqueness of our hands and how our very independence ultimately
depends on them. Mr. Ring explains why awareness does not necessarily influence performance. Viewers
develop a greater appreciation of what must be done to protect hands.
Length: 22 minutes
The Urgency of the Problem
This video helps increase viewers' awareness of ergonomics while offering ideas that can be put to work
immediately at little or no cost. With all of the current focus on ergonomics, and confusion about what it means
for the workplace, Mr. Ring helps to sort it all out.
Length: 23 minutes
VDT: The Human Connection
This video is designed to familiarize you with the human factors involved in working with VDT's. It answers the
basic questions: Is there any radiation hazard in working with a VDT? Will it affect eyesight? What is the most
comfortable method of working with a VDT? How can I relieve the stress associated with constant use of a
Length: 12 minutes

Page 36
Eye Care & Safety
Understanding how eyes work and the long-term effects of eye injuries helps prevent accidents from happening.
Frequent types and causes of eye injuries are covered. Eye care and safety practices are illustrated - especially
the importance of selecting and utilizing proper protective equipment.
Length: 14 minutes
Eye Safety
Eye injuries in the workplace commonly fall into four categories: sudden blows to the eye; penetration of the
eye; chemical injury to the eye and radiation from intense light sources. This video addresses the hazards that
lead to these types of injuries and the control measures necessary to reduce eye injuries at work.
Length: 11 minutes

Page 37
(456 DVD) Country Commuters: Farm Machinery on the Road
DVD. No description available.
Entanglement "It's Not Worth the Cost"
Michael, host of the Morning Show, and freelance reporter, Susan Proven travel across the country investigating
some of the devastating accidents involving farm machinery.
Length: 33 minutes
The Great Outdoor Summer Groundskeeping Video
This is your guide to safe groundskeeping and landscaping work. It will help you:
- recognize workplace hazards
- prevent accident and injury
- follow safe work practices
- select and use proper personal protective equipment (PPE)
The Summer video covers:
- working in hot environments
- biohazards
- pesticides
- electrical safety
- tree trimming
- machinery hazards
- health and safety legislation (WHMIS)
Includes manual.
Length: 22 minutes

Page 38
The Great Outdoor Winter Groundskeeping Video
This is your guide to safe groundskeeping and landscaping work. It will help you:
- recognize workplace hazards
- prevent accident and injury
- follow safe work practices
- select and use proper personal protective equipment (PPE)
The Winter video covers:
- cold weather safety
- vital signs of cold injury
- working safely on snow and ice
- health and safety legislation (WHMIS)
Includes manual.
Length: 22 minutes
Deals with tractor safety training. A farmer tells about a tractor accident that resulted in loss of a leg. A quiz
follows dealing with highway, PTO's, roll-over protection and other tractor hazards. After each question, there is
a review.
Length: 10 minutes
John Deere Safety Program
This video deals with different types of safety on farms - safety attitudes, lawn mower safety, drive-on mower
safety, tractors, combines, etc.
Length: 70 minutes
Making Farms Safe for Kids
This video opens with some statistics from the U.S. indicating the extent of disabling and fatal accidents
involving kids. Hazardous situations are reviewed, along with case histories and interviews. The video closes
with a step-by-step checklist of the 15 steps to farm safety and encourages viewers to develop their own hazard
list and action plan.
Length: 16 minutes

Page 39
Safe Tractor Operation for New and Experienced Tractor Operators
An overview of safe handling procedures for tractor operations. Video covers: pre-operational check; starting
and stopping; avoiding rollover and tipover; driving on public roadways.
Note: video refers to Ontario regulations; viewer will need to determine NS highway requirements.

Page 40
Family Fire Safety
Featured in this video are the following issues: - Home protection systems - Teaching your family about fire
prevention - Fire drills and escape planning - What to do if you catch on fire - Types of fires and correct
responses - How to report a fire - Home fire prevention - kitchen, basement, garage, Christmas, furnace - How
to get out alive
Length: 23 minutes
Fire Awareness
Fire safety is an on-going process that combines the design, installation, and maintenance of fire protection
equipment and fittings with fire prevention procedures.
Fire Prevention
No description available
Length: 16 minutes
Identifying Fire Hazards
Fire safety is an on-going process that combines the design, installation, and maintenance of fire protection
equipment and fittings with fire prevention procedures.
Length: 14 minutes

Page 41
Foot Safety
Safety footwear is essential protection in some workplace situations and frequently it is used as a last line of
defence should an accident occur. The situations where safety footwear should be worn, the different types of
shoes and boots, and the myths about the problems they cause are all examined in this program.
Length: 12 minutes
Protecting Your Feet
Discover attractive, new looks in safety shoes and other protective devices for feet. Learn the correct conditions
for their wear. See how to avoid injuries, how to properly care for foot safety equipment, and how to avoid tired
Length: 12 minutes
Safety Gear: Foot Protection
Three classifications of safety shoes are identified. The program also explains the functions of toe shields,
metatarsal guards, and puncture-resistant soles.
Length: 11 minutes
Slips, Trips, and Falls - Off the Job
No description available
Length: 9 minutes

Page 42
Basic Safety in Forestry Operations
No description available
Length: 23 minutes
Chain Saw Safety
The forests can be a beautiful place but for a professional woods worker, it is his working place. We watch
Charlie who disregards safety and George who takes pride in everything he does.
Length: 21 minutes
Chainsaw Maintenance & Safety
This video deals with the following: the components of the chainsaw; chain types and selection; chain
components, sharpening the chain and setting the depth gauge; guide bar maintenance and chain assembly;
chain tension; personal safety and operational safety.
Length: 16 minutes
Critical Areas Sawmill Safety
Each of these five-minute units looks at a particular accident, but the cases chosen represent classes of
accidents that together account for a high percentage of the most serious accidents in the industry. This video
can be used by safety committees as case studies, for new employee training, or as part of refresher training.
Length: 25 minutes
Every Twelve Seconds
This video profiles five workers who were injured in the forestry industry. They are poignant stories that should
be taken as examples of why adherence to training and safety rules are a must.
Length: 29 minutes

Page 43
Forestry Ergonomics
In this animated program viewers learn how knowledge of the principles of ergonomics can improve productivity,
quality and safety with reduced absenteeism and turnover.
Length: 12 minutes
A Logging Safety Program
Eleven threatening hazards are created and avoided in this real life video training program. Loggers are shown
face to face with some of the most common and deadly problems confronting modern production cutters.
Realistic solutions and suggestions for each hazard make the program particularly appealing. A fast paced
review of all the situations ends the program.
Length: 18 minutes
Safe Operation Of Chain Saws
The chainsaw can be an extremely dangerous tool if it is not operated correctly. This video looks at a range of
operational and cutting procedures that are crucial for the safe and successful operation of the chainsaw in all
situations. Included in this program: preparing a chainsaw for use; starting a chainsaw; holding and operating a
chainsaw; general lumbering and felling a tree.
Length: 14 minutes
Small Sawmill Safety
Small Sawmill Safety is a program that examines the safety aspects of smaller, less automated operations.
Areas covered include proper log piling, sawing for grade as well as safety, PPE, equipment maintenance, and
lockout procedures.
Length: 15 minutes
Woods Truckin' Safety - No Boss on Your Back
This full-color video is designed to be the most comprehensive video safety program available for log and chip
truck drivers. Every aspect of log/chip truck safety is covered, under nine critical safety areas: inspect your
truck; know your roads; drive defensively; load and unload safely; avoid overweight/oversize loads; drive
appropriately for the weather; have the proper safety gear; use your radio and stay healthy and alert.
Length: 24 minutes

Page 44
Behind The Mast: Lift Truck Operation Unit IV
This unit reviews the principles of: handling palletized loads; handling lift trucks on slopes; loading or unloading
public carriers; leaving the job in a safe condition by following a safe parking procedure; and following safe
procedures for refuelling the engine or recharging the battery of the lift truck.
Length: 30 minutes
Behind The Mast: Loads & Their Effects Unit I
This video establishes safe operating rules concerning load weight, load centre and carrying position. It
explains the means by which lift trucks are turned and lists some of the viewpoints of the error-free professional
Length: 10 minutes
Behind The Mast: Maintaining Control Unit II
This unit establishes safe operating procedures for turning, raising a load, driving on inclines, operating an
unloaded truck, and operating in reverse. It stresses the principle that existing conditions determine the safe
Length: 12 minutes
Behind The Mast: The Professional Operator Unit III
This video applies defensive driving to techniques of Planning for Safety. It also establishes safe operating
procedures for personal safety, which show the lift truck operator what to do to prevent injury to him or herself
and to others.
Length: 13 minutes
Forklift Pre-start Inspection and Safety Checks
This program teaches operators how to keep their vehicles operating smoothly and safely by performing pre-
start inspections and safety checks of electrical and mechanical systems. The program is intended as an
introduction for new employees, but it is equally useful as a refresher for more experienced employees.
Length: 13 minutes

Page 45
Introduction to Forklift Trucks
This program introduces common types of industrial forklift trucks. Trainees will learn where to find and how to
use working dimensions for safe forklift operation. They will also be introduced to the features and terms
Length: 10 minutes
Preventive Maintenance for Forklift Trucks
In addition to understanding inspection techniques and safety checks for forklifts, operators should understand
proper preventive maintenance and refuelling procedures. This program stresses the importance of caring for
maintaining forklifts to ensure safe operation.
Length: 8 minutes
Safe Forklift Operation
This program teaches new operators some of the rules for safely maneuvering, lifting, hauling, and stacking
loads using a forklift truck. Pivot points, load centre, and weight transfer are carefully explained to help ensure
safe truck operation. Loaded and empty truck scenarios are provided to alert operators to the different
techniques required for each job.
Length: 17 minutes
Safety and Forklifts
1989 - This program will show you that sound work practices can ensure the safety of all those who come in
contact with forklifts. The pre-operating check, personal apparel, travelling, working together stability, lifting the
load, stacking the load, and unattended forklifts are some of the key points covered in this video.
Length: 11 minutes

Page 46
Biological Hazards
Tetanus, rabies, farmer's lung, and food poisoning are all examples of disease or illness caused by germs and
bacteria. Although our bodies provide a good defence against many germs, contact with them may still result in
illness, and health care workers and life science lab workers are most at risk. This program focuses on
safeguards such as immunizations and preventing contamination through good hygiene and containment of the
hazardous substance.
Length: 12 minutes
Carcinogens, Mutagens & Teratogens
This is one category of hazards where an adverse effect may take months or even years to show up. The
program briefly looks at how the human body works, then shows how carcinogens and mutagens affect growth
patterns and how teratogens affect reproduction. Limiting or preventing exposure is the most important aspect
of reducing these effects, and the program stresses administrative controls and safe work practices. The
program also touches upon reducing overall exposure to carcinogens, mutagens and teratogens in our food or
Length: 8 minutes
Danger Zone: Stress
When employees do not identify and manage their stress properly, productivity and safety suffer. Using comic
approach with situations all viewers can identify with, outbursts, fatigue, low back pain, dropping things. This
tape explores some of the causes of stress overload: ALL OR NOTHING thinking, magnification, making
SHOULD statements - suggests several solutions.
Length: 13 minutes
Defusing Hostility
This video will show you examples of angry people in a variety of situations and levels of intensity. These
"vignettes" are discussed with experts in this field. Basic skills and concepts are listed on the screen for ease of
use. The discussion guide will indicate three major stop points for the video. By stopping and discussing the
questions in the guide and relating the content of the video to the real-life situations you encounter, you will be
able to integrate the skills effectively. If you are viewing the video on your own, write your answers down.
Length: 45 minutes

Page 47
Don't Hide an Injury
Tom Jasnowski, a macho man, ignores a sprained ankle and, later, an open cut when he is working in a cyanide
area. All injuries, even minor ones, should be treated. TAKE TWO to report minor injuries and learn how to
prevent major injuries.
Length: 8 minutes
Drugs & Alcohol in the Workplace
The object of this video is to identify some of the problems and to look at a variety of options available to handle
this issue - definition of what is a workplace alcohol and drug problem; brief history of alcohol in the workplace;
safety and productivity issues associated with alcohol and drug problems; policy statement for dealing with
dependency problems in the workplace; employee assistance programs; identification of problems; issues of
confidentiality; drug and alcohol testing; and self-denial.
Length: 12 minutes
Due Diligence: What does it mean to you?
No description available
Length: 37 minutes
Health Matters At Work
This educational and informative training video deals with such topics as breathing, swallowing, absorption,
hearing and vision.
Length: 40 minutes
(454 DVD) The Sun and Skin Cancer
DVD. Provides information on the potential health risk of exposure to the sun while working. Video shows many
typical farm activities and highlights potential health issues including, skin cancer, lip cancer, eye damage etc.
Video offers preventive measures and some indicators of possible skin cancer.

Page 48
Your Body is Only Human
Spotlights the relationship between mind and body in establishing safe work patterns. Physical limitations are
explored, and the proper use of tools and equipment, to augment strength and dexterity are described.
Length: 10 minutes

Page 49
Danger Zone: Your Hands
Hand injuries are among the most common of all workplace injuries. Workers take their hands for granted and
often put them where they invite injury. Sometimes a minor injury can have major consequences. "Danger Zone:
Your Hands" motivates workers to: recognize hazardous areas; practice good personal hygiene; be aware of the
other hand; wear the right protective equipment.
Length: 18 minutes
Hand Safety
The three rules for Hand Safety are: firstly, be aware of the potential hazards; secondly, follow safe work
procedures; finally, make appropriate use of protective equipment. These three points are the basis of this
program, as it examines hazards in the workplace. General hazards including manual handling, hand tools,
mechanical hazards, contact hazards, contact dermatitis, personal protection (in the form of barrier creams and
gloves) and personal hygiene complete this program.
Length: 11 minutes

Page 50
Congratulations, You Made it Through Another Vacation
Follows a typical family on their vacation. They encounter many unsafe situations and successfully deal with all
of them.
Length: 10 minutes
Hazard Recognition and Control
This training program uses hazard scenarios to show root causes of accidents.
Length: 18 minutes
Hazardous Materials Off The Job
No description available
Length: 8 minutes
Hazardous Materials On The Job
No description available
Length: 9 minutes
Heat Stress
No description available
Length: 10 minutes

Page 51
Job Safety Analysis: Proactive Planning
Job Safety Analysis is a way of planning ahead, a way to spot problems before they become accidents.
Designed to help you and your employees learn to prepare a job safety analysis.
Length: 12 minutes
Mills and Concentrators
This video shows how to recognize different process steps and identify hazardous plant conditions.
Length: 25 minutes
Picture Perfect Vacation
This video is a humorous, yet fact-filled look at how to prepare for a safe vacation. It is ideal material for a spring
off-the-job safety meeting!
Length: 14 minutes
Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Hazards Training Course
This training course is designed to involve participants in the identification and analysis of hazards in the
workplace and to enable them to provide suggestions or recommendations in removing or minimizing the risk of
these hazards.
Understanding Hazards and Risks
This is a combination video and training manual designed to offer the participants an understanding of the
difference between a "hazard" and a "risk." Program is divided into four parts:
a) A definition of the terms; Hazard and Risk.
b) The second part requires the participants to complete an exercise focusing on their own work environment.
c) The third section deals with two methods of categorizing hazards in the workplace. It involves the
participants in identifying some hazards in their workplace.
d) The last section will involve participants in an exercise to focus on how to make their workplace a safer
environment to work in.
Length: 15 minutes

Page 52
Head Protection
Falling objects, overhead pipes, protrusions, moving objects, slips, trips and falls are just some of the hazards
that can lead to head injuries. Recognition, evaluation and control of these hazards and the wearing of personal
protective equipment is the necessary strategy to address the issue of head safety in the workplace.
Length: 11 minutes

Page 53
Hearing Conservation
This tape deals with the anatomy of the ear, how hearing loss takes place, and the importance of protecting
Length: 20 minutes
Noise And Hearing Conservation
Noise assaults us from all quarters nearly 24 hours a day. Most of the sounds we encounter are of a tolerable
level and pose no risks to our hearing, but unfortunately, this is not always true, especially in the workplace
where there are many hazards which can put your hearing at risk. The topics covered in this video include: the
anatomy of the ear, categories of noise, testing noise levels, monitoring noise levels, engineering and
administrative control measures, and protective equipment.
Length: 14 minutes

Page 54
(451 DVD) Housekeeping: It Ain't Like the Movies
DVD. Did you know that falls are the cause of ten percent of on-the-job deaths? This video program reviews the
importance of good housekeeping and what to look for in your facility.
Length: 15 minutes
Laundry Room Safety
No description available
Length: 8 minutes
Workplace Housekeeping
Every workplace either produces products or renders services or does both. To provide these products and
services they all have one thing in common - the flow of materials.
By combining this "flow of materials" with the movement of people plus the use of tools and equipment, we end
up with a need to keep the workplace neat and tidy, or in other words, a need for good housekeeping practices.
The program includes:
Definition: What is Workplace Housekeeping?
What are the Benefits of an effective good housekeeping program?
Reducing Accidents and Injuries
Reducing the Risk of Fires
Basic Essentials of Good Housekeeping
Good housekeeping is an on-going responsibility of everyone in the workplace. A commitment by everyone to
adhere to good housekeeping practices will result in more pleasant working conditions and more importantly
create a safe workplace for everybody.
Length: 13 minutes

Page 55
The Air We Breathe in Industrial Environments
Discusses the composition and importance of air in relation to various working environments; describes
industrial health [breathing] hazards encountered. Explains the need for the evaluation of working conditions; for
observation of safety precautions; and for the protection of workers from noxious gases and oxygen deficiency
by using protective equipment and proper ventilation.
Length: 16 minutes
Questions and Answers (Q&A)
For industrial personnel: what safety is and why it is important, what an accident is, what causes accidents and
suggestions for preventing accidents in the workplace; to stimulate employee interest in adhering to established
safety procedures and to provide guidelines for working toward an accident free work-environment, presented.
Length: 17 minutes
This video outlines the dangers of working around robots and the need for proper procedures to be used by
maintainers and other workers, proper fencing, guarding and warning signs to protect all concerned.
Length: 12 minutes
Understanding Industrial Hygiene
Introduces supervisors to the basics of industrial hygiene. Shows three ways toxic substances can enter the
body, how to test worker's exposure, how to protect against radiation and other IH problems.
Length: 18 minutes

Page 56
Kitchen Fire Safety
This film is designed to help you train your kitchen personnel in fire safety practices. Your personnel will learn
steps to reduce the possibility of fire as they learn the importance of fire prevention. They will also learn to
combat a fire effectively and the importance of keeping calm in an emergency.
Length: 10 minutes
Kitchen Knives: Safety & Efficient Use
This film is designed to help kitchen workers get the best service possible from kitchen knives - their basic tools
of trade with safety and efficiency.
Length: 11 minutes
Kitchen Safety...It's Up To You!
This video was created with you, the busy food services operator, in mind. The short, concise vide tape
presentation will give your employees a base of safety knowledge focusing on slips and falls, lifting and moving,
operating machinery, cuts and burns, fires and handling chemicals. The video is designed to assist in training
Length: 15 minutes
Kitchen Safety: Preventing Cuts and Strains
This film is designed to help you train your kitchen personnel in accident-preventative measures pertaining to
cuts from knives or broken glass and to strains from lifting.
Length: 9 minutes
Kitchen Safety: Preventing Falls
This film is designed to help you train your personnel to recognize and avoid the common hazards that can
cause falls.
Length: 8 minutes

Page 57
Kitchen Safety: Preventing Machine Injuries
This film is designed to help you train your kitchen personnel in safety practices for operating kitchen machines.
Length: 9 minutes

Page 58
Taking Responsibility: The Occupational Health and Safety Act of Nova Scotia
This video has been produced to act as an information guide for anyone wanting to know about the rights and
responsibilities under the Occupational Health & Safety Act. It outlines certain rights and responsibilities which
may have an impact on your daily activities in the workplace in Nova Scotia. It is important to remember that
this is a guide only and for more authoritative information, please refer to the N.S. Statutes.
Length: 11 minutes

Page 59
Basic Practices
Shows safety is an attitude. Demonstrates that proper approach to tools, machines, and dress improve the
safety factor. Visual demonstrations prove that working defensively and being tidy is the best protection in lifting,
carrying, and working with others.
Length: 14 minutes
Machine Hazard Awareness
This video will help you learn how to look at the workplace for machine hazards; how to know if guards are
properly in use; how to know if the guards do protect people.
Length: 7 minutes
Safety And Use Of Air Compressors
Safety and maintenance, coupling, pneumatic tools, hoses, protective clothing and equipment are just some of
the subjects addressed in this program. Compressed air, although still relatively safe compared to alternative
sources of energy, such as electricity, can still present dangers to operators unaware or unprotected from the
hazards involved.
Length: 13 minutes
Shop Practices
Recognize safe work practices in different shop situations.
Length: 18 minutes

Page 60
Excellence In Safety
Designed to convince senior managers of the benefits of integrating safety into their overall management
Length: 20 minutes
Getting Things Done - Vol. 1
Volume 1 covers "Goals" - the principles of time management; goal setting to get on track and "To Do Lists" -
using the Pareto Principle to focus on important tasks; how to define your prime time; how to plan your day;
setting up an effective time log and overcoming distractions and interruptions.
Length: 82 minutes
Managing Safety Yourself
Reviews nine �how-to principles of good supervision’ for promoting safe workmanship. Contains an exercise of
seven observation examples in which the foreman must detect an unsafe act or condition.
Length: 15 minutes
No Exceptions
Supervisor Ben Ferguson fails to wear the proper protective suit when he checks employees who are repairing
a pipe break. No one is exempt from the TAKE TWO program, not even supervisors. When supervisors practice
TAKE TWO, their employees will too!
Length: 9 minutes

Page 61
Bend Your Knees
This tape will prove to be a classic tape in its contribution to the prevention of crippling back injuries in the work
environment. It is designed for a total work force audience and will have unusual appeal for everyone from
general manager to the floor sweeper.
Length: 22 minutes
Bend Your Knees Review
Leonard Ring relates back injury prevention to the individual's fitness and exercise programs. This tape is highly
motivational with new visual aids and illustrations which encourage the total Bend Your Knees approach to back
health, safety and fitness.
Length: 18 minutes
Danger Zone: Your Back
Focuses on one business and industry's most critical problems... back injuries. While providing instruction, the
tape is directed towards the attitudes of the employees, forcing them to recognize lifting, carrying and pushing-
pulling tasks and getting to want to perform the tasks properly.
Length: 19 minutes
Dealing with Manual Handling
As a safety issue manual handling is easily the most contentious. In every workplace manual handling occurs in
some form or another; lifting, pushing, pulling, pouring, wearing weighty protective clothing all fit the category of
manual handling. This tape examines the types of manual handling, the resulting types of problems and injuries
and explains through a hierarchy of control measures how all manual handling situations should be addressed.
Length: 10 minutes
Making Light of Lifting
This tape shows the right and wrong ways of using the body to handle heavy weights. It demonstrates correct
techniques for lifting and moving boxes, sacks, drums, cylinders and other heavy equipment, and shows how
supervisors can pass on the advantages of kinetic handling.
Length: 17 minutes

Page 62
Manual Handling
This program covers detailed description of manual handling, the problems and how injuries are caused, types
of injuries, and steps to deal with manual handling.
Length: 30 minutes
Minimizing Back Strain On The Job
This is a very well produced and interesting video which explains the four important points for a healthy back.
Demonstrations include anatomy of the spine/discs/muscles and ligaments, lever effects, normalizing posture,
basic lifting procedures and "trade-offs" when ideal techniques cannot be used.
Length: 30 minutes
Prevent That Pain
This tape is a reinforcement and follow up for the Bend Your Knees tape. It is a motivational tape featuring
Leonard Ring. Mr. Ring's enjoyable style of humour with his tremendous knowledge of manual handling makes
this product a must in every library. He reinforces the "Knees" message but adds a single "get rid of the load as
soon as possible", message to prevent abdominal injury and hernia. The emphasis is placed on minimizing the
distance that workers carry loads in order to reduce potential strain. Its message is practical and to the point.
Length: 13 minutes
Safe Lifting and Carrying in Agriculture
Video illustrates various farm activities and the risk of injury due to poor lifting techniques. Video offers simple
anatomical information on how the back works and how it’s susceptible to injury. Several examples of safe
lifting are shown both solo or with another person; as well as promoting use of mechanical means where
Length: 10 minutes

Page 63
Safety on the Job: Manual Load Handling in the Warehouse
About two-thirds of warehouse injuries are causes by improper lifting, carrying, or handling materials. This
program presents the "do's" and "don'ts" of warehouse activities and shows workers how to handle products
safely and efficiently. Common-sense safety rules are presented. Exits should never to blocked, "no smoking"
rules must be observed, and the working environment should be kept clean and orderly. The program also
stresses the serious dangers of working under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
Length: 12 minutes
Smart Moves - For A Healthy Back
This video was designed with the health care worker in mind. Not only does it promote proper body mechanics
for safe patient transfer, but it also looks at back health risks facing non-patient care personnel. Viewers drop in
on an in-service class to see how employees react to body mechanics information through comments and
flashbacks. By using this approach, employees can identify with the characters while learning: how the spine
works; why smart moves are important; how attitudes affect injury potential; correct and incorrect posture and
movements and back strengthening exercises.
Length: 18 minutes

Page 64
Practicing Safety: How to Conduct Effective Emergency Drills on Fishing Vessels
Five emergency drills for masters and crews in fishing industry.
Length: 24 minutes

Page 65
As It Should Be Done
The purpose of this video is to provide general information on the requirements of the Blood borne Pathogens
Standards currently administered by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) in the U.S. It also
outlines the precautions that can be used in the workplace such as hospitals, dental offices, emergency
response personnel, to reduce the likelihood of disease caused by blood borne pathogens. The examples used
include Hepatitis "B" and Acquired Immune Deficiency (AIDS).
Length: 24 minutes
Drive Alive
Video highlights traffic accidents as workplace accidents specifically within the healthcare industry. Examples
and statistics are Ontario based and the video offers practical suggestions for safe driving practices.
Length: 11 minutes
Environmental Illness: Bad Chemistry
Perfumes, aerosols, plastic on television sets, etc…for some people, these everyday chemicals may create
health problems ranging from headaches to loss of consciousness. This program examines the medical and
political dimensions of environmental illness - the controversial and mysterious condition whose victims cannot
tolerate common chemicals of modern life.
Length: 60 minutes
Ergonomics in Health Care: A Fitting Solution
Video provides good practical solutions to ergonomic issues within the healthcare and community health
industry. Video offers a wide variety of activities and occupations, for example - dental hygienist, lab work,
hospital work, day care, housekeeping, food services.
Length: 17 minutes

Page 66
Fire Safe: The Right Combination
This fire safety video is designed to teach employees the right combination of fire response techniques and
rescue and evacuation procedures. It is produced specifically for hospital and health care facilities to meet
health care accreditation requirements for fire safety training. This video includes scenarios of fires in various
hospital departments to dramatically reinforce effective fire response techniques.
Length: 12 minutes
L'ergonomie dan les soins de santé: une solution adaptée
Video provides good practical solutions to ergonomic issues within the healthcare and community health
industry. Video offers a wide variety of activities and occupations, for example - dental hygienist, lab work,
hospital work, day care, housekeeping, food services.
Length: 17 minutes
Mechanical Lifting Devices
Demonstrates a small variety of mechanical lifts and highlights the methods in choosing a lifting device to suit
the situation.
Length: 12 minutes
Moving A Patient From Bed To Chair
This video covers the following lifts and transfers: Top and Tail lift, Pivot transfer, Standing transfer, Shoulder
lift, Stepping transfer and Frame transfer.
Length: 12 minutes
Moving a Patient from Bed to Trolley
This video covers the following: emergency turn; glide boards, jordan frame; canvas and poles and the log lift.
Length: 11 minutes
Moving a Patient in Bed
This program covers the following lifts and is designed to show how to correctly and safely transfer and lift
patients and avoid injury to the lifter: the shoulder lift; the modified cradle lift; the combination lift; the log roll;
supine to side-lying; moving up the bed and supine to sitting over the side of bed.
Length: 11 minutes

Page 67
Patient Falls: Panic Or Prevention
This patient safety video teaches patient care personnel to recognize patients at high risk for falls - those on
medication, older patients, or patients prone to confusion or imbalance. It presents practical steps to prevent
falls - from correct use of side rails and "protective devices" to colour coding charts. "Patient Falls" also shows
all health care workers the importance of incident-reporting procedures.
Length: 13 minutes
(465 DVD) Personal Protection Against Infection
DVD. Deals with the exposure to infectious diseases in the healthcare field. Video provides simple illustrations
on how infections may be transmitted and provides examples of routine prevention practices. Video also notes
the need for an assessment as a means of providing appropriate prevention procedures.
Length: 11 minutes
Protection personelle contre les infections
Deals with the exposure to infectious diseases in the healthcare field. Video provides simple illustrations on how
infections may be transmitted and provides examples of routine prevention practices. Video also notes the
need for an assessment as a means of providing appropriate prevention procedures.
Length: 12 minutes
Safety Illustrated
Accidents by hospital employees can be costly, leading to staff shortages when valuable employees become
patients. However, effective employee training can prevent most accidents. This video provides this training by
promoting a team approach to hospital safety. Using a humorous approach, it takes viewers to the playing field
where teams of hospital employees demonstrate proper safety procedures and the detrimental consequences of
not following them. Events covered in this video include: falls; injuries from lifting and pulling; cuts, punctures
and needle sticks; burns; spread of infection and incident reporting.
Length: 15 minutes

Page 68
(466 DVD) Slips & Falls: More Than a Trivial Affair
DVD. Deals with slips and falls in the health care field; the video is presented in a news show style. Statistics
and case examples are taken from Ontario. The impact and consequences of slips and falls are illustrated
through re-enactment of actual cases, including actual persons recounting their cases. Video offers suggestions
for what to look for and how to avoid falls.
Length: 11 minutes
Universal Precautions: Specimen Handling & Laboratory Testing
This is a video training program designed to inform employees of the universal precautions that have been
established to prevent the transmission of Blood borne diseases. Topics covered include a definition of the term
universal precautions and a demonstration of how universal precautions should be applied in phlebotomy
procedures, specimen transport, sample sorting, data entry, laboratory analysis, and waste disposal. In addition,
the program dispels false assumptions about the spread and occurrence of blood transmitted diseases.
Length: 16 minutes

Page 69
Hazard Alert: The Junkyard/Grave Remarks
This compelling, motivational video provides two engaging meeting openers. "The Junkyard" features a gruff
junkyard worker salvaging a car demolished in an impaired driving accident. His comments will cause anyone
to think twice about ever drinking and driving again. "Grave Remarks" will motivate your employees to stop
taking dangerous shortcuts. Voices from the dead who took that "one little chance" serve as an equally
memorable safety meeting kick-off.
Length: 7 minutes
Rudy : Safety Takes Courage
"People might ask me, 'Hey, what do you know about safety?' And I can say to them, I know because I watched
a friend die in my arms. And I know why he died. Because he didn't follow simple procedures." -- Daniel "Rudy"
In the blockbuster movie about his lifelong dream of playing football for Notre Dame's Fighting Irish, Rudy's
amazing story of perseverance and triumph was an inspiration to millions around the world.
Now Rudy is inspiring workers with another motivational story... one that details a tragic workplace accident that
redirected the course of his life.
Highlights from �Rudy: Safety Takes Courage’ include:
* Visualization
* Character
* Courage
* Respect for life
Length: 14 minutes
Safety: Everyone's Responsibility
Charlie Morecraft delivers a rousing wake-up call that puts an end to complacency and taking responsibility for
Length: 48 minutes
Safety Is No Accident
Covers safety and accident prevention in K-Mart Stores; also problems or accidents, plus protecting staff and
customers. Also covers forklifts, moving vehicles, abrasions and lacerations, lifting and carrying and slips, trips
and falls.
Length: 20 minutes

Page 70
Threads of Life : a Journey Together
Covers the trauma family members and loved ones endure when one of their own is killed or seriously injured in
a workplace accident. It is an inspirational story of how these sometimes forgotten victims cope by supporting
one another.
It also covers the importance of workplace safety and hazard awareness.
Length: 17 minutes
Working Together Works
Stresses team work in sports, hobbies, and the working environment. Human Resources or Personnel
Department oriented. Leadership, supervisory or management could benefit to create team-building in a
workplace environment. Positive human relations improves productivity in the workplace.
Length: 28 minutes

Page 71
(450 DVD) Office Safety: It's a Jungle in There
DVD. This DVD covers the hidden and subtle dangers of working in an office, as well as preventing injury,
controlling danger and formulating emergency plans.
Length: 19 minutes

Page 72
Bullying - Who Wins? (Corporate Version)
Bullying in the workplace is damaging to staff morale and productivity and often causes high levels of stress.
This film is designed to assist management and staff combat and prevent bullying. It uses realistic workplace
scenarios to highlight four of the most typical instances of bullying and demonstrates how to achieve a more
settled and productive workplace.
Length: 21 minutes
Bullying - Who Wins? (Industrial Version)
The video addresses the issue of bullying and aims to make all employees aware of the rights and
responsibilities in a workplace. Through the use of four scenarios, the video raises the awareness of the causes
and consequences of bullying (after each scenario the video pauses to allow for discussion among viewers).
The scenarios include: practical jokes; isolation/exclusion; intimidation/constant criticism; abuse of power.
While suitable for viewing by all employees the video does appear to be aimed at managers and supervisors.
Length: 21 minutes
Conflict Communication Skills
The Conflict Communication Skills video shows employees how to diffuse a hostile and potentially violent
situation. It teaches techniques for defusing hostility in someone who may be getting angry or verbally abusive
so violent situations can be avoided.
Length: 14 minutes
Controlling Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Workplace
No description available
Length: 26 minutes
Danger Zone: Your Head
Our body can take a lot of abuse...but not our head. If we damage our brain - the damage is permanent and a
life can be changed or even snuffed out! This tape motivates workers to: protect their head, recognize
hazardous areas, wear head protection properly, inspect and clean their head protection.
Length: 16 minutes

Page 73
Dealing with Aggressive Behavior
The objectives of the video are: to help understand triggers of hostile and aggressive behaviour; learn two
important options in dealing with the behaviour; and help choose an appropriate option when confronted by this
The video offers 3 scenarios – service center, health clinic hospital, and construction site – in applying its
L.A.S.S.I.E system to deal with hostile and aggressive behaviour. L.A.S.S.I.E stands for: Listen, Acknowledge,
Separate, Sit down, Indicate (options), Encourage to try.
Length: 16 minutes
Dog Bite Prevention
A 10 minute training videotape for meter readers, delivery personnel, and others who may encounter
expressions of territorial aggression because they enter yards in the course of their work.
Length: 10 minutes
Dog Bite Prevention
Prevention through understanding is the focus of this video. It explains how to recognize and handle dangerous
dogs and how not to become a statistic. Highly-skilled dog trainers demonstrate what to do if threatened by an
aggressive dog.
"Dog Bite Prevention" is recommended viewing for postal workers, delivery people, utility employees, sales
people, and anyone who has occasion to make home visits.
The video is also important for dog owners, since most unreported dog bites occur within the home--to dog
owners and their families.
Length: 15 minutes
Effective People Skills: Determining the Right Response to Conflict
The video offers four types/causes of conflict and the strategies that may be used to turn conflict into productive
situations. All scenarios take place in an office setting.
Types of conflict dealt with are: covert passive-aggressive; covert passive; overt aggressive; and overt
Length: 10 minutes

Page 74
Hidden Hazards
Covers the hazards associated with welding and respiratory protection for welders. The health effects caused by
dust, fumes, and gases are outlined as well as prevention techniques including proper respirators.
Length: 9 minutes
Lost Youth : Four stories of Injured Young Workers
Michael, Jennifer, John, and Nick all speak of losing their youth after suffering serious workplace accidents.
Through dramatic recreations of these accidents and one-on-one discussions with the young people and their
parents, "Lost Youth" tells four stories of lives forever altered.
All were still in their teens when they were injured on the job. None were properly trained to deal with hazards
and risks at their workplaces. Michael wears a prosthetic after his leg was crushed by sawmill machinery,
Jennifer lost three fingers in a pizza dough maker, and John and Nick had their backs broken in forklift
accidents. Their lives will never be the same.
In emotional interviews, their parents speak of the need for all - parents, employers, works, and the community -
to make sure young people know how to be safe on the job. (2003)
Length: 17 minutes
Personal Protective Equipment
This is a live-action video training program designed to explain to employees the personal protective equipment
that may be required on the job. The program discusses eye and face, hearing, respirator, head, hand, foot and
fall protection. Protective clothing and the importance of maintaining personal protective equipment.
Length: 9 minutes
Personal Protective Equipment
Covers basic personal protective equipment including head, eye and face, hearing, respiratory, foot, hand, and
fall protection. This video also applies to exploration and well drilling.
Length: 24 minutes
Personal Protective Equipment
This program is designed for all personnel who are required to wear personal protective equipment. It is a
general program suitable for induction or to reinforce the need to wear items of personal protection. This video
examines in detail: eye and face protection; head protection; respiratory protection; hearing protection and
protective clothing.
Length: 17 minutes

Page 75
Personal Protective Equipment - Off The Job
No description available
Length: 10 minutes
Personal Protective Equipment - On The Job
No description available
Length: 13 minutes
Personal Security - On The Job
No description available
Length: 10 minutes
Raising Awareness of Violence in the Workplace: The Trouble with Trouble
Six Safety Associations in Ontario provide an overview of various types of violent incidents in the workplace and
their possible cause. The video follows one person in his workday, from traveling to work through the lunch
hour and after work, and the various incidents of violence or harassment he encounters. The various vignettes
are meant to give an overview of the nature of the problem, the steps that can be taken to address it, and the
resources available to assist employers and workers. Definitions may not coincide with legislation in your
Length: 20 minutes
Robbery Deterrence
CD-ROM. The program features actual store scenarios with appropriate employee responses to challenging
situations, with analysis and explanations of proper and improper employee behaviour. Includes chapter quizzes
and a mastery test to gauge viewer’s retention.
Using Personal Protective Equipment
Provides a detailed review of the personal protective equipment available to workers, how and why each is
used, plus the foreman's responsibility.
Length: 24 minutes

Page 76
Violence in the Workplace
No description available
Length: 10 minutes
Violence in the Workplace: An Employer's Guide to Prevention
No description available
Length: 21 minutes
Violence : Keeping it Out of the Workplace
No description available
Length: 12 minutes
Working in Bear Country
This video is the consensus opinion of leading experts on working safely in grizzly and black bear country.
Reduce human injury and property damage from bears through this guide to:
- Field safety including employee responsibilities and helicopter support
- Camp safety including location and design and attractant management
- Bear detection systems
- Bear deterrents
- Firearms
- Bear response planning
Length: 22 minutes
(460 DVD) Workplace Violence
DVD. The video shows employees how to recognize warning signs of possible violent behaviour, as well as how
to avoid or defuse potentially dangerous situations.
The areas covered by the video are: Nature of workplace violence; underlying causes; warning signs;
aggressive behaviour; threats and verbal abuse; sexual harassment; physical assaults; armed assailants;
fostering a positive workplace environment.
Length: 14 minutes

Page 77
Workplace Violence : Recognizing and Defusing Aggressive Behavior
No description available
Length: 26 minutes

Page 78
Avoiding Slips, Trips, and Falls
The causes of slips, trips and falls are dramatized. Factors including gravity, friction, and momentum are
examined. Understanding potential health effects of such mishaps reveals the importance of taking precautions.
The role of safety shoes and proper ladder usage are demonstrated.
Length: 12 minutes
The Countdown
Frank Inglewood is injured when he and another employee fail to follow the established LOCK, TAG AND TRY
procedure. Safety is often the result of a series of actions of many people. TAKE TWO and remember that
safety is everyone's responsibility.
Length: 9 minutes
Due Diligence
Based on a workshop for senior management presented at Ryerson Technical University.
Length: 75 minutes
Job Safety Analysis
The aim of a job safety analysis (JSA) is to document how a particular job should be done safely. Subjects
covered in the program include: How a JSA is performed, how to break down a job into basic steps, hazard
identification, hazard assessment, hazard control. The program also contains a practical example of how a JSA
is conducted.
Length: 15 minutes
Make Pounds... But Safely
Foreman Wayne Kirk, in his haste to MAKE POUNDS, fails to follow safe procedures. As a result, a fellow
employee is injured. Safe production produces the most in the long run. TAKE TWO and maintain a balance
between production and safety.
Length: 9 minutes

Page 79
Making Do...Won't Do
Pat O'Connor tries to disconnect a hydraulic line without the proper wrench and injures himself. TAKE TWO and
find the correct tools and equipment for the specific job... and reduce injuries.
Length: 9 minutes
A Matter of Habit
Working safely or unsafely can become a habit, as Bill Barnes discovers when he forgets to tie off a ladder and
falls. We need a new, beneficial habit - TAKE TWO.
Length: 8 minutes
Jim Norton is a typical no man who ignores safety rules - until he directs an oil tanker into a nitric acid area.
TAKE TWO can help the no man develop a positive attitude toward safety.
Length: 9 minutes
Over and Over Again
John Erickson fails to use the proper protective gloves and burns his hands. Repetitious, monotonous jobs often
lead us into a false sense of security. TAKE TWO reminds us that each task must be thought through and not
performed automatically.
Length: 9 minutes
(449 DVD) Pro-active Safety Attitudes: Looking Out for Number One
DVD. This DVD takes a unique look at safety and safety training. It underscores the importance of safety
equipment and safety habits and demands that all employees take responsibility for safety. It covers prevention
and protection, reenactments of real-life accidents motivate workers to take precautions, and interviews with
actual workers.
Length: 15 minutes

Page 80
Safety On The Job: Accident Causes & Prevention
Employee staff and supervisors are shown the behaviours that signal safety hazards. Among the things to look
for in others as well as in themselves are: lack of attention and concentration, tenseness, irritability, conflict with
fellow workers, and health problems. Supervisors are taught to be alert and sensitive to staff problems with the
goal of preventing accidents. Staff is taught to seek help to deal with personal problems. The program notes
that employee assistance programs may be available to help overcome risk-producing problems, and urges
open communication as a means of preventing accidents.
Length: 16 minutes
Slips, Trips, & Falls
Along with manual handling, slips, trips and falls are the cause of a majority of accidents and injuries in the
workplace. This video covers everything from the ground up...leaks on floors, objects such as books and
briefcases, slippery surfaces through to filing cabinets and reaching too far, taking short cuts and general good
housekeeping practices.
Length: 11 minutes
So It Won't Happen Again
No description available
Take Two When You're Through
Bob Jones gets an idea about using splash guards while catching hot tar samples, but doesn't write it down.
Later, his friend is burned while catching a sample. After a job, TAKE TWO to write out ideas about how the job
can be performed more safely.
Length: 10 minutes

Page 81
3M Fit Training
This video has a training introduction followed by a sequence of short demonstrations on each type of respirator
and its use.
Length: 34 minutes
Evaluating the Options - Respiratory Protection
No description available
Length: 30 minutes
Four Elements of Respiratory Protection
This tape provides the viewer with an understanding of respiratory hazards, the importance of identifying types
of contaminants, how to select an appropriate respirator and the importance of training on the proper use and
care of respirators.
Length: 11 minutes
Respiratory Safety
This program looks at the function of respirators, the situations where they are used as well as the types and the
factors governing their use. Fit testing is examined in detail. Common problems and necessary precautions are
also covered.
Length: 16 minutes
Respiratory Safety
This program shows how the respiratory system works. The causes and effects of respiratory hazards, and
ensuing problems, are demonstrated. Safety practices and equipment are illustrated.
Length: 11 minutes

Page 82
Something In The Air
To ensure you are getting all the protection you need, you should know the correct respirator to wear for your
particular job, how to put it on and operate the equipment properly, how to perform the field tests to make sure
you have a good facial seal, when the equipment needs maintenance or repair, such as clean filters or new
parts. But most of all you must be aware that it's your responsibility to wear the respirator assigned to you
every time you are in a hazardous location.
Length: 15 minutes
Using Respiratory Protection
Provides detailed instruction on wearing, testing, inspecting and maintaining respirators and other industrial self-
contained breathing apparatus.
Length: 30 minutes

Page 83
Moving Heavy Equipment
Details recognized practices for moving heavy equipment, the potential danger areas, and safe rigging
* This video also applies to mining.
Length: 24 minutes
Over The Edge
This tape illustrates the use of a bosun's chair and rappelling device in training sessions between a seasoned
window cleaner and a young trainee. The unforgiving nature of the equipment is emphasized. Proper rigging
techniques; equipment inspection, fall-arrest systems, and adequate anchorage for lifeline tiebacks are also
Length: 14 minutes
Selection and Care of Rigging Equipment
1990 - This program introduces slings and hardware commonly used for overhead lifting in industrial situations.
It covers characteristics of the equipment, special use considerations, and proper care and handling to protect
the equipment from damage.
Length: 15 minutes

Page 84
Artsafe - First Steps
This video is designed to raise awareness of health and safety issues in the visual arts and art conservation. It
shows how educators and professional artists find and implement information to make their classroom and
workplace as safe as possible without compromising their art.
Length: 17 minutes
Avoiding Safety Hazards
Shows a supervisor how to recognize potentially hazardous conditions. Specific examples are given to assist
the foreman with recognizing behaviour which would eliminate hazards to workers.
Length: 23 minutes
Beachline Safety : A Guide to Safe Work Practices
Introduces beach crews to safe work practices.
Length: 28 minutes
Bomb Threat Strategy
Bomb threats are designed to strike at the heart of your organization to disrupt the normal flow of business and
to create an atmosphere of anxiety and panic. Preventative measures, what to look for, search procedures,
assessing the threat, the telephone call, when to evacuate, and the correct evacuation procedures are the key
points covered in this video.
Length: 15 minutes
Dying to Work
W-Five examines the perils of teen labour. The most high-profile case that of 18-year-old David Ellis, killed on
his second day on the job at a Toronto-area bakery. He died while taking cookie dough from a mixer that
suddenly turned on. The program follows Ellis' father as he campaigns for tougher safety rules and tries to
make teenagers aware of the risks they can face.
Length: 19 minutes

Page 85
Job Safety Analysis
No description available
Length: 10 minutes
Maintenance Field Work Practices
This video shows how to recognize safe field work practices and the various pieces of equipment encountered.
Length: 31 minutes
(461 DVD) Safety Audits
DVD. The video reminds employers and employees about the goals of Safety Audits and how all workers should
become involved. Deals with such areas as: definition of safety audit; workplace analysis; administrative and
engineering controls; ppe; equipment maintenance; emergency response; safety and health training and
regulator compliance; accident investigation; and a safety self-assessment.
Length: 15 minutes
Safety Awareness
This video has been designed for all personnel. It can be used as a general safety training program and can be
also utilized as an induction program for new personnel to introduce safety concepts.
Length: 21 minutes
Sell Safety
Explains why supervisors have to sell their workmen on the necessity of safe work habits. Tape stresses that to
be successful, the supervisor must create the desire in the workman to be safe; outlines negative, possibly fatal,
results of his working unsafely; and points out the importance of his safety to not only himself but to his family.
Length: 10 minutes

Page 86
The Human Touch Performance Appraisal
By providing the "how-to" step-by-step elements of a successful performance appraisal, this video will give your
managers the tools they need to conduct less stressful and more productive employee appraisals. It will help
your managers understand that the performance appraisal doesn't begin and end in the interview. It's an on-
going process. Everyone benefits from the "human-touch" approach!
Length: 30 minutes
Look Around: You Have Rights
The video stresses that the young or new worker must understand their right and responsibilities, that workplace
policies and correct work procedures must be known and followed that wearing appropriate personal protective
equipment is essential and that the reporting of all incidents and hazards will lead to a safer workplace for
everyone. Not knowing could result in tragedy.
Length: 29 minutes
On The Right Track
It's up to each employee to work safely. That's their responsibility. At the same time an employer must ensure
the work environment is as risk free as possible, and provide all the help and equipment needed for employee
safety. This video helps the new employee to be aware of the hazards found in some jobs, so that accidents can
be prevented. Topics covered include: fire prevention, WHMIS, proper lifting techniques, and electrical safety.
Length: 9 minutes

Page 87
Hand Tools
For safety’s sake keep tools sharp and clean. Shows the correct usage of common hand tools and safe sheet
metal, forge and welding practices.
Length: 12 minutes
Pneumatic Fastening Tools
No description available
Power Actuated Fastening Tools
No description available
Power Tools
Emphasizes that the operator does the thinking - not the machine. Shows precautionary measures to take when
working with power tools commonly used in the shop. Demonstrates standard safety practices.
Length: 13 minutes
Using Hand & Power Tools
Highlights include spotting potential hazards before accidents occur, using common hand and power tools, tool
maintenance and using appropriate protective equipment.
Length: 16 minutes

Page 88
Introduction To Trenching Hazards
No description available
Length: 27 minutes
Trenching and Shoring
No description available
Underground Safety - Jobsite Hazards
Covers keeping the worksite free of debris, working around underground utilities and overhead lines, safety in
traffic zones.
Length: 10 minutes

Page 89
Assume Nothing: Accident Investigation in Coal Mines
When a roof fall injures one of their miners, the company accident investigation team sets out to learn what
caused the mishap. The team members conduct a thorough on-the-site investigation to gather evidence; they
interview the victim and other eyewitnesses; they collect, compile and evaluate the facts; and prepare accident
reports with recommendations to prevent similar accidents.
Length: 21 minutes
Breathe & Live: Ventilation in Metal & Nonmetal Mines
Tape shows why the mine ventilation system is the underground miner's personal lifeline. Components of mine
ventilation systems are shown - including main and booster fans, air curtains, ventilation tubes, doors, and
regulators - and the importance of good maintenance is emphasized. The film dramatically recreates several
fatal accidents that were caused by contaminated air, inadequate ventilation, or failure to warn workmen away
from unventilated DEAD END zones. The importance of frequent safety checks with instruments that measure
the quality and quantity of ventilating air - a responsibility of mine management - is also emphasized.
Length: 21 minutes
Cabs and Canopies for Your Safety
A tape that points out the need for cabs and canopies on underground mining equipment to protect miners from
falls of roofs and ribs. Scenes taken after three actual roof fall accidents in which fallen coal and rock covered
the mining equipment show that, in each case, the operator escaped unharmed because of the protective
canopy on his machine. In-the-mine interviews of the operators involved in these near-fatal accidents are
presented, where the men relate what happened, and why they are convinced that the canopies saved their
Length: 10 minutes
Conveyor Safety
Introduces basic hazards found around conveyor belts. Stresses accident prevention.
Length: 16 minutes

Page 90
Fighting Coal Mine Fires
The nature of fire, its uses and controls are explained; the FIRE TRIANGLE is used to illustrate the basic
elements or conditions necessary for combustion; various classes of fires: A, B, and C are shown: and the
proper use of recommended fire extinguishers is demonstrated - both for surface and underground mine fires.
The foam plug is also demonstrated extinguishing an underground coal mine fire.
Length: 31 minutes
Heavy Rock
No description available
Length: 23 minutes
In Search of the Facts: Accident Investigation in Metal & Nonmetal Mining Operations
In the tape, a fatal front-end loader accident at an open-pit operation prompts a company investigative team to
conduct such an investigation. They gather evidence - collect facts, interview eyewitnesses, check records -
then objectively evaluate the compiled information and make recommendations that will prevent such accidents
from recurring.
Length: 26 minutes

Page 91
Don't Push Your Luck
This tape points out necessity of wearing eye protection. It depicts a man grinding without the use of eye
protection, the eye accident which occurs while grinding, the vivid eye operation, and the loss of sight in both
Length: 12 minutes
Oxyfuel Gas Cutting
Covers: torch, regulator and cylinder maintenance; proper safety equipment; hook-up procedures; ventilation;
and preventing spark and spatter.
Length: 13 minutes
Safe & Effective Grinding
This video reviews the safe use of grinders, the safety features, pre-use inspection, selection and inspection of
abrasive wheels, personal safety, and dressing the wheels.
Length: 18 minutes
Securing the Work Zone
Covers: oxyfuel and electric-arc welding; securing the 360 degree zone; health hazards; proper ventilation;
clothing and gear; and fire watch.
Length: 16 minutes
Tig Welding
No description available

Page 92
Introducing WHMIS
The primary purpose of this video is to provide general information about the basic elements comprising
WHMIS. It was not intended to be used as a training audio-visual aid in the workplace, as it is highly technical
and provides a great deal of information related to legislated supplier or employer requirements. For this reason
it is designed for presentation to regulatory staff, persons involved extensively in occupational safety and health,
interested industry and labour groups, professional groups, etc.
Length: 30 minutes
This program covers the following areas:
Classes of controlled products:
- Labeling
- Material Safety Data Sheets
- How hazardous materials can hurt us
Length: 15 minutes
WHMIS Right to Know
Tape #2 - Right to Know
Module 1 - Class A
Module 3 - Class C
Module 2 - Class B
Module 4 - Class F
This video introduces you to WHMIS hazard classes A, B, C and F. They explain what hazardous products are,
how they can harm you and how to handle them safely.
Length: 35 minutes
WHMIS Right to Know
Tape #3 - Right to Know
Module 1 - Class D1
Module 3 - Class D3
Module 2 - Class D2
Module 4 - Class E
This video introduces you to WHMIS hazard classes D and E. They explain what hazardous products are, how
they harm you and how to handle them safely.
Length: 40 minutes

Page 93
WHMIS Right to Know
Tape #1 - Right to Know
Module 1 - Overview of Hazardous Materials Module 2 - Material Safety Data Sheets
This video helps you understand the nature of hazardous substances and the best ways to work with them
safely. Material Safety Data Sheets are explained in detail.
Length: 15 minutes
The Winning Label: A Simplified Introduction to WHMIS
This video is a training package intended to be used as a general introduction to the basic features of WHMIS.
It is aimed specifically at workers who speak English as a second language or workers who have low literacy
skills. The detailed presenter's package, including guidance on how to present the information, is available
upon request. Trainers who have minimal experience in instructing employees with limited English language
proficiency should find the package particularly useful.

Page 94
3M Fit Training
About AIDS
Accident Investigation
Agricultural lockout
Air Purifying Respirators: Information to Know
Air Sampling
The Air We Breath in Industrial Environments
All the Right Moves: Ergonomics in the
Anchorages Make the Connection
Anthrax Awareness
Anthropometry: Is It Going to Fit Your Workplace?
Applying Basic Ergonomics to Materials Handling
Artsafe - First Steps
As It Should Be Done
Asbestos Abatement
Asbestos in Buildings
Asbestos: Small Scale, Short Duration
Asbestos: Understanding the Hazard
Assume Nothing: Accident Investigation in Coal Mines
Avoiding Safety Hazards
Avoiding Slips, Trips, and Falls
Back at work
Back Care & Safety
Back Injury Prevention
Back Injury Prevention Through Ergonomics
Back Safety for Material Handlers
The Bad Back Video
Basic Practices
Basic Safety in Forestry Operations
Beachline Safety: A Guide to Safe Work Practices
The Bead Seater

Page 95
Behind The Mast: Lift Truck Operation Unit IV
Behind The Mast: Loads & Their Effects Unit I
Behind The Mast: Maintaining Control Unit II
Behind The Mast: The Professional Operator Unit III
Being Your Best
Bend Your Knees
Bend Your Knees Review
Biological Hazards
Bomb Threat Strategy
A Breath of Fresh Air: Improving Air Quality
in Your Office
Breathe & Live: Ventilation in Metal & Nonmetal Mines
Bullying - Who Wins? (Industrial Version)
Cabs and Canopies for Your Safety
Carcinogens, Mutagens & Teratogens
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Key Method of Prevention
Centrifugation Hazards
Chain Saw Safety
Chainsaw Maintenance & Safety
Chemical Storage Hazards
Chemicals and Pregnancy: Giving Your Baby
The Right Start
Chemicals Under Control
Chlorine Safety
Computer Fitness - How to Work Comfortably,
Productively & Safely
Confined Space Atmospheric Testing
(Canadian version)
Confined Space Case Histories
Confined space entry: Investigation
Confined Space Hotwork
Confined Space Non-Entry Rescue
(Canadian version)
Confined Space Rescue (Canadian version)
Confined Space Ventilation (Canadian version)
Confined Spaces

Page 96
Conflict Communication Skills
Congratulations, You Made it Through Another Vacation
Controlling Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Workplace
Controlling Exposure to Toxic Substances
Controlling Lead Exposure For Stained
Glass Professionals & Hobbyists
Conveyor Safety
Corrosives and Irritants
The Countdown
Country Commuters: Farm Machinery on the Road
Critical Areas Sawmill Safety
Danger Zone: Stress
Danger Zone: Your Back
Danger Zone: Your Hands
Danger Zone: Your Head
Dealing with Aggressive Behavior
Dealing with Chemical Safety
Dealing with Manual Handling
Defusing Hostility
The Development of Ergonomics
Dog Bite Prevention
Don't Hide an Injury
Don't Push Your Luck
Drive Alive
Drive to Survive: Dedicated to Improving Public
Safety on our Roadways
Driving - Risks and Responsibilities
Drugs & Alcohol in the Workplace
Due Diligence
Due Diligence: What does it mean to you?
Dying to Work
Effective People Skills: Determining the Right
Response to Conflict
Electrical Installations
Electrical Lock-out Procedures

Page 97
Electrical Safety in the Workplace
Electricity: the Unseen Danger
Entanglement "It's Not Worth the Cost"
Environmental Illness: Bad Chemistry
Equipment and Machine Guarding
Ergonomics at Work
Ergonomics in health care: a fitting solution
Ergonomics off the Job
Ergonomics: The Practical Approach
Evaluating the Options - Respiratory Protection
The Evaluation of Visual Display Terminals
Every Twelve Seconds
Excellence in Safety
Eye Care & Safety
Eye Safety
Facts on Backs
Family Fire Safety
Fighting Coal Mine Fires
Fire Awareness
Fire Prevention
Fire Safe: The Right Combination
Fire & Spill Procedures for Pesticide Vendors
Flammables, Combustibles & Explosives
Foot Safety
Forestry Ergonomics
Forklift Pre-start Inspection and Safety Checks
A Formula for Effective Risk Management
Four Elements of Respiratory Protection
Getting Things Done - Vol. 1
Glassware Washing Hazards
The Great Outdoor Summer Groundskeeping Video
The Great Outdoor Winter Groundskeeping Video
Guiding the New Employee to Safety

Page 98
Hand Safety
Hand Tools
Handling Hazardous Chemicals Safely
Hazard Alert: The Junkyard/Grave Remarks
Hazard Recognition and Control
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous Materials off the Job
Hazardous Materials on the Job
Head Protection
Health Matters At Work
Hearing Conservation
Heat Stress
Heavy Rock
HEPA Vacuum Cleaners for Asbestos Clean-up
(Automotive Brakes)
Hidden Hazards
Home Ergonomics
Housekeeping: It Ain't Like the Movies
The Human Touch Performance Appraisal
Identifying Fire Hazards
Improving Your Safety Meetings
In Search of the Facts: Accident Investigation in Metal
& Nonmetal Mining Operations
Inside maneuvers: Confined space entry - Entrée
en espace clos: Manœuvres internes
Inspection, Care and Storage of Slings
Introducing WHMIS
Introduction to Forklift Trucks
Introduction to Trenching Hazards
It All Adds Up - Cumulative Trauma
Job Safety Analysis
Job Safety Analysis
Job Safety Analysis: Proactive Planning
John Deere Safety Program

Page 99
Kitchen Fire Safety
Kitchen Knives: Safety & Efficient Use
Kitchen Safety...It's Up To You!
Kitchen Safety: Preventing Cuts and Strains
Kitchen Safety: Preventing Falls
Kitchen Safety: Preventing Machine Injuries
L'ergonomie dan les soins de santé: une
Solution adaptée
Lab Ventilation
Ladder Safety off the Job
Ladder Safety on the Job
Ladder Safety Training
Laundry Room Safety
Lockout Procedure
Lockout/Tagout - Controlling the Beast
Lockout/Tagout - Of Energy Sources
A Logging Safety Program
Look Around: You Have Rights
Lost Youth: Four stories of injured young workers
Machine Hazard Awareness
Maintaining Asbestos Covered Pipes & Surfaces
Maintenance Field Work Practices
Make Pounds... But Safely
Making Do...Won't Do
Making Farms Safe for Kids
Making Light of Lifting
The Making of JSA: Job Safety Analysis
Man the Fallible Machine
Managing Cumulative Trauma
Managing Ergonomics in the Workplace
Managing Safety Yourself
Manual Handling
Mastering Job Safety Analysis

Page 100
A Matter of Habit
Mechanical Lifting Devices
Meeting the Challenge
Mills and Concentrators
Minimizing Back Strain on the Job
Mobile Cranes
Moving a Patient from Bed to Chair
Moving a Patient from Bed to Trolley
Moving a Patient in Bed
Moving Heavy Equipment
No Exceptions
Noise and Hearing Conservation
Office Ergonomics: It's Your Move
Office Safety: It's a Jungle in There
On The Right Track
Over and Over Again
Over The Edge
Oxyfuel Gas Cutting
Patient Falls: Panic or Prevention
Personal Protection against Infection
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment - Off the Job
Personal Protective Equipment - On the Job
Personal Security - On the Job
Pesticide Safety in the Greenhouse
Pesticide Vendor Storage & Display
Picture Perfect Vacation
Pneumatic Fastening Tools
Posture and Fatigue
Power Actuated Fastening Tools
Power Tools

Page 101
Practicing Safety: How to Conduct Effective
Emergency Drills on Fishing Vessels
Prevent That Pain
The Prevention of Repetitive Strain Hand Injuries
Preventive Maintenance for Forklift Trucks
Pro-active Safety Attitudes: Looking Out for
Number One
Protecting Your Feet
Protection personelle contre les infections
Protective Clothing & Equipment for Pesticide Use
Questions and Answers (Q&A)
Radio Controlled Crane Safety
Raising Awareness of Violence in the Workplace:
The Trouble with Trouble
Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Hazards
Training Course
Respiratory Safety
Respiratory Safety
Rim and Wheel Safety
Risk Management Today
Robbery Deterrence
Rudy: Safety Takes Courage
Safe & Effective Grinding
Safe Forklift Operation
Safe Handling of Gases
Safe Lifting and Carrying in Agriculture
Safe Operation of Chain Saws
Safe Tractor Operation for New and Experienced
Tractor Operators
Safety and Forklifts
Safety and Use of Air Compressors
Safety Audits
Safety Awareness
Safety Demonstration on Jointer
Safety Demonstration on Radial Saw

Page 102
Safety Demonstration on Single Surface Planer
Safety Demonstration on the Band Saw
Safety Demonstration on Wood Lathe
Safety Demonstration on Wood Shaper-1
Safety Demonstration on Wood Shaper-2
Safety Elements in Laboratory Practice
Safety: Everyone's Responsibility
Safety Gear: Foot Protection
Safety Illustrated
Safety Is No Accident
Safety on the Job: Accident Causes & Prevention
Safety on the Job: Manual Load Handling
in the Warehouse
Safety on the Move: Truck Haulage Safety
Seating for Everybody
Securing the Work Zone
Selection and Care of Rigging Equipment
Sell Safety
Shop Practices
Slips & Falls: More Than a Trivial Affair
Slips, Trips, and Falls - Off the Job
Slips, Trips, & Falls
Small Sawmill Safety
Smart Moves - For a Healthy Back
So It Won't Happen Again
Something in the Air
The Sun and Skin Cancer
Supervising Safety: You Make the Difference
Take Two When You're Through
Taking Responsibility: The Occupational Health
and Safety Act of Nova Scotia
Talking Of Safety
Threads of Life: a Journey Together
Tig Welding

Page 103
Too Close for Comfort: Near Miss Reporting
and Investigation
Toxins and Poisons
Traumatic Hand Injury Prevention & Stereotyping
Trenching and Shoring
Underground Safety - Jobsite Hazards
Understanding Hazards and Risks
Understanding Industrial Hygiene
Understanding Your Safety Responsibility
Universal Precautions: Specimen Handling
& Laboratory Testing
The Urgency of the Problem
Using Hand & Power Tools
Using Personal Protective Equipment
Using Respiratory Protection
VDT: The Human Connection
Violence in the Workplace
Violence in the Workplace: An Employer's
Guide to Prevention
Violence: Keeping it Out of the Workplace
The What-if Game
WHMIS Right to Know #1
WHMIS Right to Know #2
WHMIS Right to Know #3
Who's to Blame?
Why Take Two
The Winning Label: A Simplified Introduction
Winter Driving Safety
Winter Driving Techniques
Woods Truckin' Safety - No Boss on Your Back
Workcare: Occupational Health & Safety

Page 104
Working in Bear Country
Working Safely at Heights, Belledune
Working Together Works
Workplace Housekeeping
Workplace Violence
Workplace Violence: Recognizing and Defusing
Aggressive Behavior
Your Body is Only Human
Your Part in Safe Chemical Storage