Links - Violence Prevention

Violence Prevention

About Family Violence
Fact sheets and other information. on family violence from the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services. Includes Woman Abuse, Elder Abuse, Child Abuse, Abuse in Aboriginal Communities, and others. This site also has many links to family violence prevention and research pages.

Alice Housing
Alice Housing provides second and third stage affordable housing and supportive programs for women with or without children leaving family violent situations.

Bryony House
Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Bryony House offers shelter, counselling and referrals to abused women and their children. The name Bryony House comes from black bryony, an ancient herb which was used in the Middle Ages to heal bruises.

CASAC: Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres
"As feminists we recognize that violence against women is one of the strongest indicators of prevailing societal attitudes towards women. The intent of the Canadian Association is to act as a force for social change regarding violence against women at the individual, the institutional and the political level."

CAVEAT - Canadians Against Violence
CAVEAT's mission is to contribute to the creation and maintenance of a just, peaceful society through public education, changes to the justice system, and ensuring the rights of victims. This can only be achieved bya significant reduction in both the number of occurrences of violence and the severity or impact of such violence.

Canadian Health Network(Violence Prevention)
Violence affects our health in many ways. Violence can be physical, verbal, emotional and sexual. Learn about violence and what you can do to prevent it or to help others. This section includes information about:

  • Family violence
  • Bullying
  • Stalking
  • Harassment
  • Hate crimes
  • Violence prevention programs, and
  • Useful phone

Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children
Based at the University of Western Ontario, the centre promotes the development of community-centred action research on violence against women and children.

Education Wife Assault
Our mission is to inform and educate the community about the issue of wife assault/woman abuse in order to decrease the incidence of physical, psychological, emotional and sexual violence against women and the effect that woman abuse has on children.
[Note: A Canadian site. Diverse coverage --includes women with disabilities, women of colour, same-sex relationships, etc.]

Hot Peach Pages
The Hot Peach Pages TMis a project of CaNetiq, a non-profit organization dedicated to making information on woman abuse available to women all over the world. For information on abuse in a 53 languages , this is the site to visit.

If You Are Being Stalked
Are you being stalked ... threatened ... intimidated?
... it is not your fault - it is criminal harassment;
... it is against the law.

For more information click on the link above.

The Iqaluit Declaration
Canada's Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women released this 1998 declaration of their commitment to ending violence against

Let's Talk About It- A Teen Friendly Guide on Preventing Sexual Violence
This site is produced by the Ontario Women's Directorate, and includes "Violence 101" statistics on violence against women, definitions, and "Advice for Guys" section , and more.

Men for Change
The members of Men For Change are dedicated to promoting positive masculinity and ending sexism and violence. We are a men's group based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada that started after the Montreal Massacre in 1989. Since that time we have worked in the community and in our hearts to promote healthy and nurturing masculinity.

MINCAVA: the Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse
Based at the University of Minnesota, this comprehensive site includes information on many kinds of violence, from family violence to sexual abuse, ritual violence, terrorism and hate crimes. While the legal resources on the site are based on U.S. law, there is also much general information, and many links to violence prevention resources

National Clearinghouse on Family Violence
The National Clearinghouse on Family Violence is a national resource centre for all Canadians seeking information about violence within the family and looking for new resources being used to address it. By sharing the latest research findings and information on all aspects of prevention, protection and treatment, the Clearinghouse helps Canadian communities work toward the eventual elimination of all forms of family violence.

Prince Edward Island Woman Abuse Protocols
The Coalition for Woman Abuse Policy and Protocol in Prince Edward Island was formed in 1998 to address the need for a comprehensive woman abuse policy. This site has a variety of information on woman abuse, including abuser and victim profiles, myths and facts about abuse, etc.

Population Reports
Published by the Population Information Program, Center for Communication Programs, The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland December 1999 issue: special report on Ending Violence Against Women:

From the editor's summary:
Around the world at least one woman in every three has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Most often the abuser is a member of her own family. Increasingly, gender-based violence is recogni