Symbol of the government of Quebec



Guides for potential entrepreneurs who wish to start a specific type of business:

Fact Sheets

Business Plans

Contracts and Licences


Financial Management


Managing a Retail Store

Sales, Promotion and Marketing

Types of Businesses

Programs and Services


Business Start-Up Assistant (BSA)—Canada Business
The BSA is your one-stop site to useful and authoritative information for launching a business in Canada. It combines start-up information from the federal, provincial and territorial governments, the community and many other sources.
Outils COOP" Collection—MDEIE
The "Outils COOP" collection provides information on how to incorporate, organise and operate each type of coop.
Créer son entreprise—Services Québec
This section of the Services for businesses portal presents information on the different stages of a business start-up and an entrepreneur's obligations. (In French only)
Guide budgétaire marketing—Canadian Technology Network
This guide will assist emerging innovative SME's in Québec to structure their marketing department. (In French only)
Entrepreneurship Explorer Platform—SAJE Montréal Centre
Entrepreneurship Explorer is a virtual business site aimed at facilitating the learning process for business start-up and development for entrepreneurs. (In French only)