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Safe Withdrawal From Alcohol and Other Drugs

What can I do when withdrawing?

When you stop using alcohol and other drugs, you often feel worse before you start feeling better. Withdrawal is the process of your body getting used to the absence of the alcohol or other drug that you used to use. Withdrawal symptoms are the various physical feelings you have while your body adjusts.

How bad those symptoms will be is affected by your age, your general level of health, how long you have used, how much you have used, the type of drugs you have used, and whether you have used more than one substance.

Making withdrawal less painful

In general, compared to older people, youth tend to experience more emotional distress (feeling irritable and generally unwell) than physical distress, and their withdrawal period tends to be shorter.

When withdrawal makes you ill, you need medical support. Be sure to seek medical advice if you have physical symptoms, have other medical problems, are struggling with feeling depressed, or are pregnant.

Here are some other ways to make withdrawal easier:

  • Confide in important people in your life that you are not feeling well and that it may be connected to alcohol or other drug use. This gives people who care about you a chance to be understanding and supportive. Avoid being alone. Be honest about what substances you have been using and how much. 
  • Lower your stress. Do not expect too much from yourself in terms of being up for a lot of activities. You may need to cancel plans or turn down invitations. Think about what helps you relax and do it: music, favourite movies or books, journaling, physical exercise—whatever works for you. 
  • Even though you may not feel like it, treat yourself well. Eat nutritious meals, get lots of rest, drink lots of water, and do some light exercise. 
  • Consider contacting your local AADAC office for specific drug information. Drug education can be very helpful as you may be wondering what is happening and when the symptoms will stop! If you plan to see an AADAC counsellor, remember that you can do this on your own or with a supportive family member or friend.

Now may be a good time to consider your next steps in terms of further alcohol or other drug use. Seek support from others who can help in this important area. Try AADAC, self-help groups like AA or NA, family members, or counsellors at school or in your community.

Hang in there. You may need time to adjust and heal. Let others help you. You will feel better!

AADAC Youth Services can be found in communities and schools across Alberta.

For more information, contact your local AADAC office or call the AADAC Help Line at 1-866-33AADAC. We are available to give you information and support.

LAST REVIEWED: Tuesday, February 27, 2007

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