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Statistiques et bulletins d'information (Statistics and information bulletins)

Statistiques et bulletins d'information presents, in tabular and graphic form, the health and social services network's various resources (human, material, financial), the production and use of its services, and demographic data. It also includes comparative analyses and information bulletins based on these data. In French only.

Atlas de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec (Québec Atlas of Health and Social Services)

The Atlas presents a geographic portrait of the health and social services network and the resources (human, material, and financial) it devotes to the well-being of the public. It provides an inventory of resources, shows population distribution in relation to these resources, and presents the populations' socio-economic characteristics and geographical distribution.
In French only.

Éco-Santé (Eco-health)

Éco-Santé is a software program presenting detailed statistical data by health region on the health system and the health of the Québec population. This program can provide data, construct tables and graphs, and present information cartographically.
In french only.


Santéscope is to facilitate access to general data on the state of health and well being of the Quebec population. Producted by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec, the information is presented from three different perspectives: time comparisons for Quebec, comparisons with the Canadian provinces, and international comparisons with OECD countries.

Databank of Official Statistics on Québec (BDSO)

The Databank of Official Statistics on Québec offers coherent and authoritative statistical information on Québec and provides access to official statistics produced by various government departments and organizations in Québec, dealing with all aspects of Québec society including economy, education, health, and demographics.

Inventaire des sources de données du réseau sociosanitaire - ISDRS (Inventory of Health and Social Services Network Data Sources)

The ISDRS application offers a single source for all information on the Québec health and social services network. The system is intended for the public, the network's information workers, and anyone who needs access to reliable and useful information from the health network's databases.
In French only


St@tRAMQ presents, in the form of tables or texts, information about all the programs administered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie. You can access this information rapidly and easily, using the search tool for statistical information (STSI).

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