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Referrals by professionals

AADAC and its funded agencies welcome individuals referred from a variety of sources, including health-care professionals, children's services, other addictions agencies, community organizations, businesses and the justice system. In turn, many AADAC offices provide information, consultation and referrals to professionals and organizations, so Albertans have access to a comprehensive, co-ordinated network of services.

If a person requires detoxification they may be referred directly to the AADAC Recovery Centre closest to them. Referrals for assessment and treatment should be made to the local AADAC office. When making a referral to AADAC for assessment and treatment, it is helpful to discuss the reasons for the referral with the person you are referring. It can also help to let the person know that once they arrive at AADAC, a counsellor will meet with them for an assessment. When making a referral, inform the person that AADAC assessments are confidential and free of charge, and that there may be a wait time for an individual appointment. If you have the person's permission to provide AADAC with any personal information, tell them what information you are providing. The person will then have access to this information should they request it.

For more information on AADAC services near you, see the Services section of this website.

Referring yourself or someone you care about

AADAC welcomes individuals who come for help on their own. AADAC also provides a wide range of services to people who are concerned about a family member's substance use or gambling. Family members of youth are encouraged to be involved in the referral and assessment process when accessing AADAC services. If you are looking for information on how to refer yourself or someone you care about to AADAC's services, please see the Services section of this website.


Our confidentiality policy is explained to the individual at the beginning of the assessment process. All client information is confidential. In limited circumstances client information can be disclosed without client consent. AADAC is required to share information when it involves harm to self and others, child abuse and court-ordered subpoenas. In addition, overriding legislation such as the Fatality Inquiries Act, the Public Health Act, the Protection for Persons in Care Act, and the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act may require AADAC to disclose limited information.

At times, it is appropriate to share client information with other service providers to assist the client. In these situations the client must provide written consent to do so. A client who signs a release of information indicates what information will be released and to whom. All release of information agreements have an expiry date determined by the client. Please see the Client Privacy section of this website for more information.


Upon arriving at AADAC the client will meet with a counsellor for an assessment. The client will be invited to discuss the following information during the assessment:

  • the circumstances that resulted in their referral
  • the nature and history of their substance abuse or gambling
  • their goals related to their substance abuse or gambling
  • the specific resources and services they would find most helpful

The AADAC counsellor will assess the severity of the client's substance abuse or gambling involvement, as well as the client's interest in making a change. Recommendations for treatment will be made based on the most appropriate services available.

The assessment report

If a release of information has been signed, AADAC will provide a verbal or written report regarding the assessment to the identified person. Information provided by the person making the referral may contribute to the assessment.

Treatment services

For more information on referrals, assessment and the services available through AADAC and its funded agencies and programs, contact your local AADAC office (also listed in your telephone directory under AADAC) Monday to Friday during office hours, or call the 24-hour AADAC Help Line at 1-866-332-2322 (Alberta only).


The following table provides a quick overview of AADAC's services and the types of information we gather from clients and referring agencies.


Service Type Referral Needed? Information Collected Notes

Area Offices


  • assessment
  • outreach services available

Business & Industry Clinic


  • application (PDF)
  • referral agent info (if applicable)
  • health assessment

Detox Centres


  • assessment
  • drop-in intake available



  • assessment
  • drop-in intake available

Enhanced Services for Women


  • assessment
  • priority access for pregnant women
  • outreach services available

Opioid Dependency Program


  • assessment
  • medical history
  • urine test

Residential Treatment Centres


  • application (PDF)
  • referral agent info (if applicable)
  • health assessment
  • room and board fees apply
  • some centres offer tobacco reduction and problem gambling programs

Youth Services

No (outpatient programs)
Yes (intensive day program, residential detox and treatment programs)

LAST REVIEWED: Friday, May 18, 2007