Symbol of the government of Quebec

SMB Financial – Strategic Alliance

Investissement Québec

Last Verified: 2007-02-22

This financial assistance aims to maintain or improve the competitive position of Québec enterprises, particularly within the context of acquisition projects, business combinations, or mergers.

It takes the form of a repayment guarantee for the net loss on a loan granted by a financial institution, up to a maximum of 70%.

Eligibility Criteria

The enterprise must:

  • Operate in one of the following sectors: manufacturing, tourism, recycling, environmental restoration, call centres, new economy, including high value-added information technologies, certain computer and software service activities, aquaculture, sea farming, marine biotechnology, certain horticultural specialties and research laboratories;
  • Have a financial structure, quality of management, professional and technical staff, and production and commercialization organization ensuring the profitability of the project and the competitiveness of the company;
  • Ensure that a controlling interest in the company is held by Québec residents;
  • Keep jobs in Québec if one of the companies is located outside Québec.

Eligible Activities

  • Business acquisitions;
  • Business combinations or mergers;
  • Any other agreement entered into between businesses to enable them to become more competitive.


Investissement Québec’s solution:

  • Repayment guarantee of the net loss on a loan granted by a financial institution, up to a maximum of 70% (75% for peripheral regions).
  • Minimum amount of financing: $50,000.
  • Maximum term of financing: ten years from the date of the first disbursement.
  • A direct loan may be authorized in exceptional cases.

Conditions of the term loan:

  • Maximum amount of loan: 75% of direct project expenses, including required working capital (which may equal the other eligible expenses).
  • Fixed or variable interest rate.
  • Possible provision for delay in the repayment of capital.
  • Repayment of capital generally fixed.
  • Specific securities on project assets and a universal hypothec on other assets subject to securities granted in favour of existing lenders.

For more information, consult the Web site at

Quebec Contact(s):
Investissement Québec
Suite 500
393 St-Jacques
Montréal, Quebec  H2Y 1N9
Toll-free (information): 1-866-870-0437
Web site: