Symbol of the government of Quebec

NRC Institute for Aerospace Research (NRC Aerospace )

National Research Council Canada (NRC)

Last Verified: 2006-04-08

Canadian and foreign companies and government departments and agencies contract with NRC Aerospace to use their facilities, consulting services and technology to develop new high-technology products and to adapt existing products for new aerospace applications. Located in Ottawa and Montreal, NRC Aerospace conducts research and development in the full range of issues related to the design, manufacturing, performance, use and safety of air and space crafts.

Eligibility Criteria

Canadian aerospace industries and universities.


Assistance Provided
NRC Aerospace undertakes R&D contacts, consulting, fee-for-service testing, and calibrations for hundreds of companies and organizations from around the world and develops and transfers technology through collaborative research contacts and licensing arrangements. The Institute actively seems out clients, collaborators and licensees for its services and expertise.

Its professional, technical and support personnel offer strategic capabilities in and operate national facilities for:

  • aeroacoustic and structural dynamics research;
  • aerodynamic research, testing and evaluation;
  • aeropropulsion research;
  • aerospace components manufacturing (forming, joining);
  • aerospace products machining and finishing;
  • airborne sensing;
  • airborne simulation;
  • aircraft and aeroengine life assessment and extension;
  • avionics and flight mechanics;
  • flight test;
  • gas turbine aerodynamics and combustion;
  • icing research;
  • materials processing;
  • non-destructive testing;
  • robotic applications in aerospace manufacturing;
  • structures and materials research; and
  • other related areas.

Research is conducted in five laboratories:

  • the Aerodynamics Laboratory;
  • the Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Centre;
  • the Flight Research Laboratory;
  • the Gas Turbine Laboratory; and
  • the Structures and Materials & Performance Laboratory.

Facilities include eight wind tunnels, air compressor / exhauster facilities, engine test cells, a full-scale structural fatigue rig, aeroacoustics chambers, a Flight Data Recorder Playback Centre, and a fleet of eight research aircraft.

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Ms. Michelle Gagnon
Communications Officer
Institute for Aerospace Research (IAR)
National Research Council Canada
Montreal Road
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0R6
Telephone: (613) 991-5738
Fax: (613) 952-7214
Web site:

Mr. Jeff Mackwood
Marketing Manager
NRC Institute for Aerospace Research
National Research Council Canada
Montreal Road
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0R6
Telephone: (613) 990-0765
Fax: (613) 952-7214
Web site: