Symbol of the government of Quebec

Emerging Technologies Program - ETP

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Last Verified: 2006-11-17

The Emerging Technologies Program (ETP) is administered by the Industry Group of the CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC). It identifies and develops emerging energy efficiency technologies that have significant potential for energy use reduction, improved manufacturing competitiveness, and reduced environmental impact, in Canada.


The activities are developed cooperatively, and are co-managed and cost shared with industry and other stakeholders, such as gas and electric utilities, other governments, and equipment manufacturers.

CETC’s contributions are repayable from revenues or cost savings realized from successful projects. There are four components to the program:

  • Sector Studies;
  • Technology Assessments;
  • Follow-On R&D Activities; and
  • Field Trials.

Sector Studies

Sector Studies identify the existing, new and emerging energy technologies specific to particular industry sectors, and rank them with respect to energy efficiency improvement, environmental impact and productivity improvement. This ranked list should form the groundwork for that sector’s energy R&D activities for the next twenty years.

Technology Assessments

Technology Assesments are detailed evaluations of individual opportunities technologies, energy benefits, environmental impacts, potential markets, and the economics of R&D. They describe the implementation. They identify the R&D activities and the participants needed to bring the technologies to commercial acceptance.

Follow-On R&D Activities

Examples of these activities are the development and testing, with pilot plants or prototypes, of opportunities evaluated by the assessments.

Field Trials

Field Trials are full scale, first time Canadian applications of new technologies in an industrial environment, for the evaluation of their operating performances, energy efficiency improvements and reduced environmental impacts.

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Mr. Norm Benoit
CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC)
Natural Resources Canada
Room 204
1 Haanel Drive, Building 3
Nepean, Ontario  K1A 1M1
Telephone: 613-996-6165
Fax: 613-995-7868
Web site: