Symbol of the government of Quebec

Clean Electric Power Generation Program

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Last Verified: 2005-05-11

The Clean Electric Power Generation Program of the CANMET Energy Technology Centre - Ottawa (CETC-O) supports the development of novel combustion technologies aimed at reducing emissions of acid-rain precursors, greenhouse gases, particulates, and hazardous substances from stationary sources fueled by coal, oil, natural gas, or biomass.

Eligibility Criteria

Public and private sector groups with an interest in combustion for steam, heat, power and environmental controls, as well as clean coal technology.


The Clean Electric Power Generation Program develops energy efficient and environmentally effective technologies in partnership with industry, government, and other national and international research establishments. It also leads various consortia of users, technology developers, fuel producers, universities, and specialized R&D organizations. The laboratory consists of extensive pilot-scale facilities; e.g. 3.7 GJ/hr flame research tunnel furnace, 1.1 GJ/hr vertical combustor, 3.7 GJ/hr circulating fluidized bed combustor, 3.7 GJ/hr research boiler.

Under this program, CETC-O develops and supports the adoption by industry of state-of-the-art control technologies such as expert systems, artificial intelligence, and advanced computational modelling. Residential and commercial oil and gas-fired heating systems, woodstoves, fireplaces and boilers are tested and redesigned in co-operation with manufacturers, with the goal of increasing efficiency and reducing particulate and unburnt hydrocarbon emissions. Gasification and oxy-fuel combustion is also a significant component of the applied research program. An evolving field is the development of combustion technologies for the conversion of waste products to energy.

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Mr. Bob Fraser
Professional Engineer
Assistant Technology Manager
CANMET Energy Technology Centre - Ottawa (CETC-O)
Natural Resources Canada
1 Haanel Drive, Room 100, Building 1
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 1M1
Telephone: (613) 996-6079
TTY (hearing impaired): 613-996-4397