Symbol of the government of Quebec

Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances

Environment Canada

Last Verified: 2004-03-18

Act: Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, c. 33.
Regulation: Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2003, SOR/2003-99 (SOR/96-237 is abrogated).

To Whom Does This Apply?

Manufacturers, importers, users, distributors of substances listed in the Schedule of the Regulations.

Eligible Activities

Import, manufacture, process, use, sale or offer for sale of prohibited toxic substances listed in the Schedule of the Regulations.


The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) is an Act respecting the protection of the environment, human life and health. Its twelve parts include powers and provisions to:

  • undertake environmental research and data gathering;
  • develop objectives, guidelines and codes of practice for industry and business;
  • regulate toxic substances, new substances, wastes and fuels;
  • regulate nutrients;
  • regulate animate products of biotechnology;
  • regulate the environmental effects of federal operations;
  • regulate international air pollution and ocean dumping; and enforce regulations including agreements with provinces and territories; and
  • enforce regulations including agreements with provinces and territories.

Environment Canada administers the Act on behalf of the federal government, but develops regulations and guidelines jointly with Health Canada.

The Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2003 prohibit the manufacture, import, use, process, sale and offer for sale of certain prohibited toxic substances.

Products Affected

Substances listed in Schedule of the Regulations.


A person or company shall not manufacture, import, use, process, sell or offer for sale a prohibited toxic substances listed in the Schedule of the Regulations.

Information contained in this section is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. For particular questions, the users are invited to contact their lawyer. For additional information, see contact(s) listed below.

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Commercial Chemicals Formulation Division
Chemical Sectors Directorate
Environment Canada
12th Floor
Place Vincent Massey
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0H3
Telephone: 819-953-9322
Fax: 819-953-3132 / 1-888-391-3695
Toll-free (information): 1-888-391-3426
Web site: