Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-022
February 4, 2005

Government To Consult On Rural Public Drinking Water Access

WHITEHORSE - As part of the Yukon government's continuing commitment to providing safe drinking water, officials will visit rural Yukoners to discuss the Rural Drinking Water Supply Strategy that is being developed.

The consultation will include public meetings in every rural Yukon community. Yukoners will have a chance to speak directly to Community Services staff about what is working and what can be improved with public water access in rural areas.

"Access to safe, potable drinking water for rural Yukoners is a priority for this government," Community Services Minister Glenn Hart said. "That's why it is so important to hear from Yukoners and to get a clear understanding of what they see as the most pressing needs."

A brochure detailing the nature of the consultations will be mailed to all affected households. It will also be available on the web at Meetings will also be held with First Nation water managers, municipalities and affected industry.

"This consultation is one more example of this government demonstrating leadership on drinking water issues," Hart said. "If we can improve public access to quality drinking water, we can improve the quality of life for rural Yukoners, and that is something this government takes very seriously."

The government has already taken several other steps to ensure safe drinking water, including implementation of the rural domestic well program and the Department of Health and Social Services' free well testing for e-coli.


 Albert Petersen  Doug Caldwell
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications & Policy Analyst
 (867) 633-7691  (867)-667-8065