Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-200
July 28, 2005

2007 Canada Winter Games July Progress Report

WHITEHORSE - Community Services Minister Glenn Hart says there has been a great deal of progress for the 2007 Canada Winter Games.

"Since our last progress report the team has been very busy. There has been a great deal of progress on a number of fronts as we prepare for the 2007 Games," Community Services Minister Glenn Hart said. "I'm happy to say it's all coming together nicely."

Development of the athletes village project at Yukon College is advancing on schedule with the awarding of a number of contracts.

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. of Vancouver was the successful bidder for the construction management of the project with a base price of $930,000 and $1 million in reimbursable expenses. They have extensive construction management experience on a number of large projects.

Kearah & WERI Environmental Contracting Inc. was awarded the $281,384 contract to clear and excavate the site location for the two buildings which will make up the athletes village.

The contract for the foundation component was awarded to Ketza Construction Corp. with a total cost of $1,812,161. The foundation work is slated to commence within the next few weeks.

ATCO Structures Inc. has been awarded the $ 9.74 million contract to supply the modular housing units which are the interior living accommodations. The modules will begin arriving in Whitehorse later this fall.

"I'm very pleased with how things are coming together," Chris Morrissey, general manager of the 2007 Canada Winter Games said. "Time is still an important consideration with the completion deadline of November 1, 2006, but with the project team that has been assembled we are confident that the athletes village will be on time and on budget."

Prior to staging any Canada Games, the host city is required to hold test events.  In accordance with Games’ criteria, plans have been finalized for eight sporting events to be held in 2005 and 2006:

  • Men’s Curling, November 18 - 26
  • Badminton, January 31 - February 5
  • Freestyle Skiing, March 1 - 5
  • Men’s Hockey, March 11 - 18
  • Cross Country Skiing, March 18-21
  • Speed Skating – Short Track, Mar 31 - April 2
  • Table Tennis, May19 - 21
  • Synchronized Swimming, May 21 – 28 

Not only will these events invigorate the Yukon economy and promote the North; it is also an excellent opportunity to prepare volunteers and the community for the 2007 Games. "It presents a great learning opportunity for the volunteers involved," VP Sport Karen Thomson said. "And I'm so impressed with the Sport organizing committees for the incredible amount of work they've done to plan each test event and with the Yukon Convention Bureau for helping to secure the events."

Approximately 36 Yukon delegates from the 2007 Games, the Yukon government and the City of Whitehorse will be attending the 2005 Canada Summer Games in Regina from August 6 - 20.  The Yukon Host Society will be holding a reception on Willow Island, across from the Saskatchewan Legislature Buildings on Wascana Lake on Thursday, August 18. Guests at the event will be welcomed by our three northern Premiers, who will invite all to come to the North in 2007 and celebrate our pan-Northern partnership.

"We're looking forward to bringing the essence of the north to Regina and to creating a friendly atmosphere that will encourage networking and collaboration in bringing the Games North of 60 for the first time," vice-president of Culture, Ceremonies and Protocol, Laurel Parry said.

The Canada Winter Games will be held in Whitehorse, Yukon from February 24 to March 10, 2007. It is estimated that 3,500 athletes, coaches and officials will be participating in the Games, with over 4,500 volunteers supporting the 22 sporting events that will take place over the two-week period. These Games will be the first Canada Games ever to be held north of the 60th parallel and will mark the 40th anniversary of the Canada Games which were first held in 1967 and alternate every two years between summer and winter.


Paolo Gallina
Senior Manager, Marketing, Media Relations and Sponsorship
Whitehorse 2007 Canada Winter Games
(867) 393-5520

 Doug Caldwell   Peter Carr
 Policy and Communications Analyst  Cabinet Communications Advisor
 Community Services  Yukon government
 Yukon government  (867) 667-8688
 (867) 667-8065