Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-220
August 25, 2005

Yukon Introduces New Time Table Option For Student Athletes

WHITEHORSE - The Government of Yukon is introducing an optional sports-focused program for Whitehorse high school student athletes in satisfactory academic standing.

"This Yukon government is always looking for ways to make the education system more relevant to students' needs and aspirations," Education Minister John Edzerza said. "The optional sports-focused program for Whitehorse high school students is one way that this government is meeting that challenge. The Canada Winter Games will be a significant opportunity for our student athletes and we want to support them in every way possible."

It is anticipated that students will be able to enroll in this program for the second semester in the upcoming school year. Students will start the school day earlier so that they can train in their chosen sport in the afternoon. Student athletes will also receive a physical education credit for the time they spend training in their discipline.

"This government recognizes that our student athletes have a role to play in the upcoming Canada Winter Games and in their own personal sport careers," director of learning for Education, Chris Gonnet said. "I believe academic and athletic achievement can go hand-in-hand. Through this new programming option, the Yukon government is creating an opportunity for student athletes to reach their full potential in both school and sport."

"It's no doubt that Yukon will be well represented at the Canada Winter Games in 2007," sport consultant with the Department of Community Services, Vern Haggard said. "In order to provide the training opportunities our athletes need to succeed, the Yukon government is working interdepartmentally and directly with community sports groups."

Creating training opportunities during the school day will increase the utilization of the facilities. Many of the facilities used by student athletes are under utilized during the day and are busy during peak hours, evenings and weekends.
Scheduling student athletes to use the facilities during the day will improve their training environment and decrease pressures on facilities during peak hours.

 Peter Carr  Clea Ainsworth
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications, Education
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 393-7102
 Doug Caldwell  
 Communications, Community Services  
 (867) 667-8065