Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-275
October 26, 2005

Contracts Awarded For Athletes Village

WHITEHORSE - Two Whitehorse-based firms have been awarded contracts for the Athletes Village project currently under construction at Yukon College.

Keith's Plumbing and Heating Co. Ltd. was the successful bidder on the mechanical heating and air flow systems contract with a price of $4,366,693 and Dynamic Systems won the electrical systems contract with a bid of $2,038,777.

"I am pleased that these two well-known Yukon firms were the successful bidders for these contracts," Community Services Minister Glenn Hart said. "We structured the Athletes Village project, and included the Business Incentive Program, to optimize opportunities for local companies to participate and it has proved to be successful in creating local jobs and further stimulating our economy."

The Athletes Village has many local contractors on site according to Project Manager Mike Frasher. "It is coming together nicely. The foundations are in and we are now preparing for the arrival of the first modular units which are expected near the end of November."

The Athletes Village consists of two permanent residential buildings, which will house 1,800 athletes per week during the two-week period of the 2007 Canada Winter Games, Feb. 24 - March 10.

Once the Games are over, the building with 12 two-bedroom units and 12 three-bedroom units will be used as a student family residence and the second building with 18 single-bedroom units and 30 two-bedroom units will be administered by the Yukon Housing Corp.


 Peter Carr   Doug Caldwell
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications & Policy Analyst
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-8065