Government of Yukon


FOR RELEASE     #05-276
October 27, 2005

Funding For The Kids Recreation Fund Increased

WHITEHORSE - The Government of Yukon has increased its contribution to the Kids Recreation Fund by an additional $140,000. The additional funding raises the level of Yukon government assistance to the fund from $60,000 to $200,000.

"This is a very popular program and a real benefit for families that would like their children to participate in a number of programs but in some cases cannot meet the costs," minister responsible for Sport and Recreation, Glenn Hart said. "We hope that more children will now be able to enjoy all the benefits that come with participation in sport, recreation and other programs."

"Helping more Yukon children access programming of this kind will provide lasting benefits for their overall health and well-being down the road," Minister of Health and Social Services Peter Jenkins said.

The Kids Recreation Fund (KRF) was established in 1999 as a way of helping children and youth whose families were experiencing financial hardship, to enable them to participate in organized sport, art, cultural, social and recreational programs. This fund helps parents with the cost of registration fees, special clothing, supplies and equipment.

The Yukon government sponsors a large portion of the program, with additional support coming from community clubs, groups, sports associations and local businesses through donations, fund raising activities, free registrations and reduced fees.

Since its inception, the fund has sponsored approximately 2,500 children in a host of activities around the territory, at a total cost of about $500,000.

To learn more about the Kids Recreation Fund and how to apply, visit Sport Yukon's offices on Fourth Avenue or on the web at:


Attachment: Kids Recreation Fund backgrounder

 Peter Carr   Pat Living,  Doug Caldwell
 Cabinet Communications  Communications  Communications
 (867) 667-8688  Health and Social Services  Community Services  (867) 667-3673  (867) 667-8065  doug.caldwell@gov/yk./ca


The Kids Recreation Fund is a special fund distributed by Sport Yukon since 1999, which helps parents with the cost of registration and/or special clothing, supplies, and equipment. The funding enables Yukon children to participate in sport, recreation, arts, cultural, and social activities. In-Yukon travel is considered on an individual basis.

The amount available under the Kids Recreation Fund is up to $200 per child, per activity, to a maximum of $300 per year. Funds are paid to the organization providing the activity.

Eligibility includes children and youth (aged 0 to 19 years) from the families whose family net income is under $30,000 per year (as per Revenue Canada income tax return) or children and youth who do not have enough financial support due to special family circumstances such as recent financial hardship, family illness, large family or a family crisis.