Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-290
November 4, 2005

Mayo Road Area Gets New Development Regulations

WHITEHORSE - New Local Area Development Regulations have been approved and are now in place for the Mayo Road area.

The regulations, which were developed through consultations with local area residents, define how land issues such as subdivision, zoning and development processes will be approached in the future.  The regulations also make provisions for the establishment of a Formal Zoning Committee which will be established by property owners to provide advice to the development officer.

"Residents in the Mayo Road area were involved in developing these regulations every step of the way and I wish to thank them for their participation," Community Services Minister Glenn Hart said. "Public involvement in land planning is essential. It is equally important that residents get involved at the beginning so that the planning process includes all perspectives and viewpoints."

The local area development regulations create new land use designations that reflect the community's land use goals for future years, provide for modest economic opportunities and allow residents to subdivide larger residential lots.

"These amendments will continue to help guide land use decisions in the area," Hart said. "And, with future reviews and amendments, that important local voice will continue to be a part of land planning."

Information packages which include the approved regulation with zoning map are now available at the Department of Community Services, Community Land Planning Section in the main Yukon government administration building.


 Peter Carr  Doug Caldwell
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications & Policy Analyst
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-8065