Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-116
May 19, 2006

Mount Lorne Area Gets New Development Regulation

WHITEHORSE - The Mount Lorne Development Regulation has been approved and is now in place for the Mount Lorne area.

The regulation, which was developed through consultations with local area residents, defines how land issues such as subdivision, zoning and development processes will be approached in the future. 

"Residents in the Mount Lorne area were involved in developing these regulations for the past ten years and I wish to thank them for their focus and participation in developing these regulations," said Archie Lang, Acting Minister of Community Services. "Public involvement in land planning is vital so that the plans represent the local values in conjunction with the prescribed legal framework for land development, protection and disposition."

The local area development regulations create new land use designations that reflect the community's land use goals for future years, provide for modest economic opportunities and guide other land development decisions.

"These regulations will guide future land use decisions in the Mount Lorne area," said Mark Stephens, Chair of the Mount Lorne Advisory Council. "With the land regulation in place we can now commence with a planning exercise to review the land plans in the Mount Lorne area."

Information packages, which include the approved regulation with zoning map, are available at the Department of Community Services, Community Land Planning Section in the Yukon Government Administration Building.


 Peter Carr  Doug Caldwell
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications & Policy Analyst
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-8065