Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-130
June 22, 2007

BizPal Available In Every Yukon Community

WHITEHORSE, Yukon, June 22, 2007 - Yukon and Industry Canada jointly celebrated Yukon's success as the first jurisdiction in Canada to make BizPaL available to all residents.

Today, the Honourable Gerry Ritz, Secretary of State (Small Business and Tourism), on behalf of the Honourable Maxime Bernier, Minister of Industry, together with the Honourable Glenn Hart, Minister of the Yukon Department of Community Services, signed a multi-jurisdictional Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Canada's New Government and provinces and territories participating in the BizPaL initiative. The Governments of Canada and Yukon are pleased to sign this MOU that establishes a shared vision and investment in BizPaL to improve government services to business in Canada.

BizPaL is an innovative project designed to help Canadian businesses save time when accessing licensing and permit information. This unique partnership among federal, provincial, territorial, regional and local governments is designed to cut through the paperwork burden and red tape that small business owners encounter.

"Through BizPaL, governments across Canada are working together to provide better services for small and growing businesses," said Secretary of State Ritz. "Canada’s New Government is pleased to be signing this MOU with the Yukon to promote a more competitive and productive local economy by providing easy access to essential information and reducing paperwork costs for business."

"BizPaL is an award-winning online business service that wouldn’t exist without the collaboration we’ve experienced so far with the Government of Canada and Yukon’s municipalities," Minister Hart said. "In December 2005, Yukon became the first jurisdiction in Canada to launch BizPaL, and signing this MOU with Industry Canada is a demonstration of our commitment to making BizPaL work for business and to improve the service in the future."

The BizPaL system in Yukon was developed with Industry Canada support, in collaboration with the Government of Yukon.

BizPaL is available in every Yukon municipality; business owners and entrepreneurs can access the service by visiting

Visit for additional project history and information, as well as to access the websites of participating partners.

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For more information, please contact:

Todd MacKay
Office of the Honourable Gerry Ritz
Secretary of State (Small Business and Tourism)
Isabelle Fontaine
Office of the Honourable Maxime Bernier
Minister of Industry
Media Relations
Industry Canada
Doug Caldwell
Communications, Community Services
Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications