Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-145
July 9, 2007

High Water Advisory For The Southern Lakes District

WHITEHORSE - The Southern Lakes district will be experiencing high water levels as a result of the melting snow and glacier-pack. Shoreline property owners in the areas of Marsh Lake, Tagish and Carcross are advised to consider preventative actions to reduce impacts to their properties.

Yukon government's Protective Services branch has provided sand and sand bags at strategic locations in Carcross, Tagish and Marsh Lake to assist area residents. Local authorities are providing logistical coordination on the recommended methods of sandbagging properties.

Forecasts estimate the water level to reach its peak within the first two weeks of August based on the data presently available. Water levels may go up to one half meter above the present level (July 6) and are expected to reach the historic high water mark set in 1981.

"We have the advantage of knowing that water levels are rising within the next few weeks, and we know what needs to be done to reduce the impacts that high water can have on properties along the shoreline," Community Services Minister Glenn Hart said. "Protective Services is working with Local Area Councils, First Nations and residents to inform them and to help them prepare in order to lessen potential flood damage."

For information on a number of issues related to flooding preparation such as: testing drinking water from wells; what to do with septic tanks; sand bagging procedures; and other helpful tips, visit the Yukon government website at and follow the 'flood information' links. Information handouts are also available from the Local Area Councils in each of the affected areas.

Southern Lakes MLA Patrick Rouble said, "I am very pleased with the level of support from Protective Services, the Local Area Councils, the Carcross/Tagish First Nation, volunteer organizations and local citizens. The people of the Southern Lakes region really come together and work cooperatively in situations such as this - I am impressed with their efforts to help in sandbagging and sharing information so the residents are informed and are advancing their readiness."

Sandbagging parties are being planned to assist the Southern Lakes residents. If you or your organization would like to participate, please call Marsh Lake Emergency Measures Organization coordinator Mike Larsen at 660-4610; Tagish Fire Chief Denis Bouchard at 399-3572; or in Carcross contact Wesley Barrett of the Carcross/Tagish First Nation at 821-4251.


Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
Doug Caldwell
Communications, Community Services