Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-149
July 12, 2007

Yukon High Performance Grants Announced

WHITEHORSE - 2007-08 High performance athletes and officials are being awarded $67,000 under the Yukon High Performance Assistance Program, the Minister responsible for Sport and Recreation Glenn Hart announced today. 

The Yukon High Performance Athlete Assistance Program provides grant assistance to selected Yukon athletes who have demonstrated skills and achievements beyond the territorial level at provincial, national and international events.

"This funding provides support to Yukon's developing high performance athletes and officials," Hart said.  "We are very pleased to increase the funds available for distribution under the High Performance Assistance Program for the 2007-08 term by $25,000 from our Yukon Sport for Life funding initiative." 

High level coaches and trainers who have received support under the High Performance Assistance Program in the past will now be able to apply for funding through their sport under the Yukon Sport for Life - Coaching Enhancement initiative.  Sport officials include referees, course conductors and adjudicators who will apply for assistance through the High Performance Official Assistance Program.

A jury of members from the sport community and the Yukon government reviewed the individual applications.  The levels of funding are Gold, Silver and Bronze.  The levels relate to an athlete’s performance at a national or international level, a western Canadian level or a provincial level, respectively.  Performance and demonstrated potential determine funding levels.

As a result of the additional funds that were made available to the program for 2007-08, the maximum funding amount for each of the three levels was raised to $7,000, $4,000 and $2,500, respectively.  As well, there is an additional amount up to $1,000 available to athletes who represent Canada in their sport at a world championship or major international competition.  The Yukon High Performance Official Assistance Program provides assistance for officials to upgrade themselves with training beyond what is available in the Yukon.

This funding is made available jointly by the Government of Yukon and the Yukon Lottery Commission.

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Attachment:  Yukon High Performance Assistant Program Funding

Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
Doug Caldwell
Communications, Community Services
Yukon High Performance Assistance Program Funding

Applicants receiving funding to assist with their training, competition or upgrading in 2007-2008 under the Yukon High Performance Assistance Program are:


Athlete   Sport  Level Amount
David Greer  Cross Country Skiing  Gold 

$ 7,000

Graham Nishikawa Cross Country Skiing Gold

$ 7,000

Bryn Knight Cross Country Skiing Gold 

$ 7,000

Emily Nishikawa  Cross Country Skiing Gold   

$ 7,000

Alexandra Gabor  Swimming Gold 

$ 7,000

Bronwyn Pasloski   Swimming, Gold  


Jane Bell  Squash, Gold 

$ 5,000

Daniel Sessford  Cycling Gold  

$ 4,500

Brent Langbakk  Orienteering Gold 

$ 2,500

Janelle Greer  Cross Country Skiing Silver 

$ 4,000

Kevin Caron0 Figure Skating Silver 

$ 4,000

Andrew Craigen   Volleyball Bronze 

$ 1,300

Tony Nguyen   Basketball Bronze 

$ 700

 Total for athletes           $ 64,000
Sue Deforest   Gymnastics     


Bonita Rogers  Gymnastics     


Lori Muir  Squash     


 Total for Officials           $  3,000
 Total for HP Program         $ 67,000

Special International Competition Funding:  Any of the athletes receiving funding may also be eligible for an additional $1,000 or $500 if they represent Canada in their sport at a world championship or major international competition in 07-08.