Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-075
April 26, 2007

Final Report Received From The Workers' Compensation Act Review Panel

WHITEHORSE – Brad Cathers, minister responsible for the Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board (YWCHSB), is pleased to announce that he has received the final report on the Workers’ Compensation Act review from the Review Panel.

"I appreciate the hard work done by the Review Panel members. The panel has completed this complex project, and has now been dissolved," Cathers said. 

The final report follows extensive public consultations with a wide variety of stakeholders to ensure input from all interested Yukoners.  The Review Panel originally began its work in 2003.

The review contains recommendations aimed at improving the Workers’ Compensation Act to better serve employers and employees as well as creating safer workplaces.

"I look forward to meeting with stakeholders in the near future to review these recommendations, as well as the joint submissions from the major stakeholder groups reflecting their agreement on over 80 issues, and to discuss the next steps in moving forward to amend the Workers’ Compensation Act," Cathers added.

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Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications