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Business Assistance—Immigrant Investor Program

Investments made by immigrant investors generate revenues that your company may benefit from through a program managed by our affiliate, IQ Immigrants Investisseurs inc., in collaboration with financial intermediaries. A unique and advantageous formula, this product uses foreign funds to invest in Quebec businesses as a non-repayable contribution.





Eligible Businesses

Your business is eligible if it obtains a favorable recommandation from an accredited financial intermediary and operates in one of the following sectors:

  • Manufacturing;
  • New economy (biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry, aeronautics and aerospace);
  • High-value-added information technology;
  • Tourism;
  • Environmental restoration;
  • Recycling, waste recovery and processing;
  • Call centres;
  • Aquaculture, sea farming and marine biotechnology;
  • Horticultural specialties.


Under certain circumstances, cooperatives and non-profit organizations that carry out activities in sectors other than those mentioned above may also be eligible.


Eligible Projects

  • Investment: business start-up, growth, modernization, or production improvement, obtaining standards-related certification, technological or design innovation.
  • Market development: commercial development of products outside Quebec.


Special Requirements

  • Project costs must be at least $300,000, or $270,000 for business start-ups.
  • Total consolidated assets must be less than $35 million.
  • Your business must be competitive and your project must be profitable.





Financing consists of a non-repayable financial contribution.


Terms and Conditions

  • The maximum contribution amount must not exceed 10% of total project costs, or 15% in the case of business start-ups.
  • The contribution cannot exceed $500,000 per three-year period, per business.
  • The minimum contribution amount is $40,000.
  • The contribution is disbursed over four years.



There are no fees to be paid to the financial intermediary or to IQ Immigrants Investisseurs inc. to process your file.





Step 1

Contact a financial intermediary accredited with the program to submit your application, or contact an Investissement Québec advisor who will answer your questions.


Step 2

The financial intermediary or advisor will help you draw up a list of the information required: business plan, nature of the project, financing sought, planned expenses, marketing plan, guarantees, etc.


Step 3

The financial intermediary will submit your application to IQ Immigrants Investisseurs inc. We will review your file and then contact you.


Avril 2006



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