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Home > Financial Solutions > Small and Medium Business Financial
Small and Medium Business Financial
Small and Medium Business Financial - General Section
Interim Financing of Tax Credits
Improving Productivity
Market Development Outside Québec
Export Credit
Working Capital for Growth Purposes
Technological and Design Innovation
Strategic Alliance
International Conventions
Fiscal Measures
Business Assistance—Immigrant Investor Program
Group Entrepreneurship
Strategic Support for Investment Program (PASI)
Regional Economic Intervention Fund (FIER)
Support for the Forest Industry
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Small and Medium Business Financial

Through its numerous program segments, the SMB Financial Program can meet various business needs especially in export, manufacturing, or in the high added value service industry. Choose one of the segments below based on the nature of your project's activities.


If your activities or project are not on this list, go to the General Section of the SMB Financial Program.



Interim Financing of Tax Credits

Enables businesses to increase their short-term cash flow.


Improving Productivity

Intended for businesses that want to modernize, expand, or establish themselves in the market.


Market Development Outside Québec

For businesses that want to establish themselves in markets outside Québec, that want to promote exports on existing markets outside Québec, or that want to set up an export consortium.


Export Credit

For businesses that intend to carry out sales, marketing, or acquisition activities outside Québec.


Working Capital for Growth Purposes

Designed for businesses that need additional working capital.


Technological and Design Innovation

Targets businesses that have a technical research and development project or a project in design innovation.


Strategic Alliance

For businesses that want to improve their competitive position on the market through acquisitions, business combinations, amalgamations or mergers.


International Conventions

For businesses that want to organize a large-scale conference in Québec.



Intended to support the transfer of business to a family member, an employee or a manager of the company, any other individual or company.



Go to the General Section


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