Programs and services


Projet 9

The ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE) has a mandate to facilitate the processing of files submitted by promoters of development projects.

The right way and the right tools, right away!

Projet 9 is a personalized support service that provides information and advice.

By using this service, you will be directed to the appropriate resources within the MDEIE or government, or to those of one of our economic partners.

You may also be assigned a project manager as your single point of contact for all of your dealings with various departments or agencies. The project manager's role is to facilitate and accelerate the completion of your project.

My business, my investment, my Projet 9 adviser

The project manager will guide you, and will always know which stage your project is at, who is responsible for that stage, what results are expected and within what timeframe. Among other things, this information management makes it possible to quickly detect any problem and take steps with the appropriate authorities.

The project manager's role is to:

  • make sure your file is complete;
  • draw up a description of the situation and a work plan covering all the stages involved;
  • offer assistance in conducting a feasibility study or improving your business plan, as applicable;
  • direct you to the government stakeholders likely to help you carry out your project;
  • organize, if need be, a meeting with all the stakeholders so that everyone has a common understanding of the project;
  • if appropriate, ask the authorities at the MDEIE to make the necessary representations to move the project forward.

You retain primary responsibility for your investment project. You must, therefore, secure sufficient private financing to carry it out.

Eligible projects

Projet 9 targets primarily investment projects that satisfy certain criteria, such as the degree of complexity.

A project manager may be assigned to projects with the following characteristics, among others:

  • The investment must relate to:
    • the acquisition, expansion or modernization of a company;
    • the establishment of a new company;
    • a major research and development project;
    • technology transfer;
    • a project with special difficulties.
  • A business plan must have been prepared.
  • The project must be sufficiently complex to require the involvement of several government authorities.
  • The project must have good development potential in a sector other than retail trade, the restaurant business or personal services.

All applications that do not require the attention of a project manager are forwarded to the appropriate resource inside or outside the MDEIE.

To apply

Call 1 866 PROJET9 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on business days, or send an e-mail anytime.