Technology showcase: demonstration of a new product or process

Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Projects
Procedure to Follow


A. Technical Validation
Prior to commercialization, establish the credibility of your innovative product developed in Québec through technical validation.
B. Technology Showcase
Launch the market phase of your innovative product developed in Québec by installing it in a real-use situation at a partner's establishment for an open demonstration to your potential csutomers.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Clientele

Your business is eligible if:

  • It is legally incorporated and in operation in Québec;
  • It is involved in one of the following sectors under the responsibility of the Ministère:
    • Manufacturing;
    • Information and communications technologies;
    • Rehabilitation services.
  • It has a sound financial structure, proper management and qualified personnel, and is a solid organization.

2. Product

A product or process, hereafter referred to as product, is eligible if:

  • The intellectual property rights to the product belong to your business;
  • It has never been sold;
  • It is innovative for the following reasons:
    • It is substantially new on the market;
    • Its abilities and performance represent a break from, or a significant improvement to, existing products giving it a net competitive advantage over the competition;
    • It originates from a structured research and development (R&D) process carried out in Québec;
  • It targets a significant market in or outside Québec.

Eligible Projects

Two types of projects are eligible: technical validation and technology showcase.

A. Technical Validation


Project to verify the performance or characteristics of a product in response to a standard or to confirm performance attributes.

Specific Requirements

  • The period to complete the project must not exceed 12 months.
  • The product requires this technical validation prior to market introduction to establish its credibility or respond to applicable legal requirements.
  • The validation must be carried out by a test laboratory in Québec recognized in its sector. The validation may be entrusted to a laboratory outside Québec if the expertise is not available here.
  • R&D phases for the product must be completed, including scale-up and testing conducted by your business.

Financial Contribution

Financial assistance is awarded in the form of a non-refundable contribution of up to 40% of eligible expenses not exceeding $50 000 per project. Eligible expenses include professional expenditures connected with testing only.

B. Technology Showcase


A project to market an innovative product for which a real-use demonstration in the course of regular activities at a partner's establishment is necessary for sales purposes. The demonstration may take place in or outside Québec.
There are two types of technology showcases:



Innovation R-D (IRD)

Demonstration of a product with at least one major innovative component. The component originating from a structured R&D project carried out in Québec is central to product functionality.

Innovation D (ID)

Demonstration of a product consisting of an assembly of components that exist on the market. Integration of these results from a structured product development project carried out in Québec.

Specific Requirements

  • The period to complete the project must not exceed 24 months.
  • The partner establishment:
    • Is an organization or business in Québec or outside Québec;
    • Is well positioned in its sector of activity and has good credibility in order to provide strong visibility of the product under demonstration;
    • Agrees to showcase the product to potential customers at its site according to terms specified in the partnership agreement.
  • A second showcase may be approved with the same or a different partner if it targets another industrial niche or geographic market.
  • The technology showcase must be essential to marketing the technological innovation due to technical uncertainties and financial and brand image risks that its use entails for the first customer.
  • The project generates significant spin-offs in terms of sales, investment and job creation in Québec.

Financial Contribution

Financial assistance is awarded in the form of a non-refundable contribution of up to 40% of eligible project expenses not exceeding $350 000.
The amount awarded varies on the basis of levels of risk and product innovation. Eligible expenses include salaries and equipment expenses, travel and accommodation expenses to set up and maintain the showcase as well as demonstrate and market the product. For more information on eligible expenses, refer to the application form.

Procedure to Follow

  1. Contact the MDEIE to obtain an application form, including a sample partnership agreement and basic information on the program.
  2. Complete the form, in French, and post or email four copies of the required documentation to:

MDEIE- Direction générale de l'industrie et du commerce (DGIC)
Direction de la coordination
710, place D'Youville, 9e étage
Québec (Québec)  G1R 4Y4
Telephone: (418) 691-5809   
Fax: (418) 643-6669
Email: programmes.dgic(at)