Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-156
June 8, 2005

Northern Pipeline Act Creates A "Yukon Advantage", Premier Says

WHITEHORSE - Elements of the Northern Pipeline Act (NPA) are advantageous to the successful development of the Alaska Highway Pipeline, Premier Dennis Fentie says.

"The certainty provided by the NPA process is one that is extremely important for us," Fentie said. "Yukon benefits include access to and egress from the future line, existing certificates, existing pre-builds in Alberta, and a corridor protected by law. The NPA provides certainty to industry as the right of way is recognized as a third party right."

"The NPA provides more assurance that Yukon’s interests will be met," Fentie added. "The NPA creates a Yukon advantage. Other project proposals, regulated by the National Energy Board, may encounter significant challenges in these areas."

Fentie has contacted Northwest Territories Premier Joseph Handley to assure him that the Yukon continues to support the development of the Mackenzie Gas Project as well. "We need that project to ensure north Yukon's gas reserves are not stranded," Fentie stated.

"The Yukon government has long maintained that both projects are critical to Yukon's and Canada's prosperity and that both are economically viable and necessary."

The Yukon government is expecting the federal government to make a decision on a regulatory process soon.


 Peter Carr   Tara O’Donovan
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications Analyst
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-5809